
"We have to get off. The coach broke down, and we have to camp in the woods tonight. I'm sorry I woke you up."

"For real? Fuck yeah! Camping is so much more exciting than some dumb expensive building!" I jumped in excitement, dragging Mikasa out of the bus and joined the others who all looked miserable, exactly the way I liked to see their faces. I let go of Mikasa and went to the teacher to get my tent. They handed me a duffel bag and tent kit as I went to set up my area. I settled for a spot near the river where I get water to boil.

Mikasa's POV

"Okay, everyone! You will be sleeping in pairs, so pair up, with the same genders! No further than the lake please, stay within shouting distance!"

"Oh no... everyone's got a partner and I'm left on my own!" I panicked. I hated sleeping alone away from home, with no one to comfort me or be there in case of danger. Historia and Sasha were paired up by the teachers, who begged them to let one of them sleep with me. Oh how I adored them, but I didn't want them to be with someone random because of me. Soon I had Jean approach me who smirked resting his hand against the tree next to me.

"Hey, Mikasa. You wanna sleep with me? I'll make sure you are taken care of." He creepily said, touching my hair and stroking it, as I slapped it away.

"No! Get away you creep!"

"Getting aggressive, are we? Well, I can't work with that."

Jean got punched to the ground making me gasp, seeing Eren holding his wrist after hitting him. He looked like he hurt it, I heard him wince as he stared at me. I blushed nervously seeing him close to my face, taking me by the hand away from that creep. He brought me to his tent allowing me to sleep with him, which I felt humbled. Did he offer me his tent to sleep in, without any complaints or issues?


"Well, I don't think it's okay to be harassed by Jean for one. Two, I don't want you with someone who's gonna not interact with you. Like all the boys just wanna use you for attention. No offensive. Hey, why don't we go somewhere? Away from all of the others?"

"Eren you heard what the teacher said!"

"Oh come on! Let me take the pretty girl for a walk." He said with that smirk, making me blush again and gulp. Breaking the rules was not part of my way of living, disobeying a rule was disobeying the law. To lose this one chance with the boy of my dreams, all because of a simple request from the teacher?

"Oh... okay."

"Yes! C'mon!" He pulled me by the hand and we ran together through the woods. This felt nice. I could see Historia and Sasha both staring at me with a smile, feeling happy with me being with my crush. I soon was dragged to the river with Eren as we climbed on some rocks leading to the waterfall, which made me afraid, Eren turned around and grabbed my shoulders. He shyly smiled, holding my hands and helping my shaky body across the strong current. We stopped at the waterfall which had a little cave underneath, seeing we could have a fire of some kind in there. Almost like he planned to bring me here?

"Follow me!" Eren ran in past the water that drenched him in a single second. I reached my hand out testing the water to see if it was warm or freezing, to have Eren's hand emerge and pull me inside the invisible door. Eren ended up slipping due to the slippery rocks and I fell right on top of him, my chest on his as I blushed madly my whole face red. My heart was racing to see Eren just as nervous and shocked as I was. I got off quickly and shook with the cold stinging my skin, causing my nerves to kick in the rotors of my bones shaking with the racketing of a car engine.

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