Interview (Pt. 1)

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Wallflower: Li Jie, Parsa, thank you for joining me today. Let's begin with something lighthearted. What's one thing that each of you absolutely loves about the other person?

Parsa: Very lighthearted. Author really knows no boundaries, huh?

Li Jie: I can answer that.

Parsa: But it's a good question.

Wallflower: ... you two-faced bitch...

Parsa: Ahem... I love his everything but... I especially love it when Li Jie acts like a kitten that needs to be coaxed.

Li Jie: Originally I wanted to say something else but... I too, especially love it when Parsa acts like a puppy that won't just let go of the hem of my shirt.

Wallflower: Ahem you cough have some cough coaxing cough to do.

Li Jie: Smiles coldly I see the author's physical health is as messed up as her mental health.

Wallflower: ... Next question...

Wallflower: So... you two have some delightful dynamics. Building on that, what's a shared memory or experience that holds a special place in both of your hearts?

Parsa: I really love the first time we kissed. We were both inexperienced fools, and I'm pretty sure I bit his lip and accidentally made him bleed...

Li Jie: Yeah, you're no better now. I'm still the one who has to guide us through it.

Parsa: Husband~ Are you still mad~?

Li Jie: Blushing Come here...

Wallflower: As a single dog, I feel great right now...

Wallflower: Next question...

Wallflower: Okay, the first kiss can be a memorable and awkward experience for many. And you've come a long way since then. Now, on a more serious note, what challenges have you faced as a couple, and how have you overcome them together?

Li Jie: You didn't just...

Parsa: ...

Li Jie: ...

Parsa: ... Fuck off... Next question.

Wallflower: Sorry...

Wallflower: Let's shift gears a bit. Li Jie, Parsa, what are some shared interests or hobbies that you both enjoy doing together?

Parsa: I'm pretty clingy when it comes to love, so I just want to be wherever Li Jie is, and as long as I have his presence nearby, I won't get bored.

Li Jie: I'm just as clingy as he is.

Parsa: I love you~

Wallflower: Puking in the back Have some sympathy for this single dog here...

Wallflower: Let's continue...

Wallflower: It seems like you two have a strong bond, and your shared company is enough to keep things interesting. Now, looking into the future, what are some dreams or aspirations that you both hope to achieve together?

Li Jie: Laughs and cries in volume two.

Parsa: We can't spoil it.

Wallflower: Pointing a gun to their heads Damn right they can't.

Wallflower: Moving on, can you share a fun or quirky tradition that the two of you have developed as a couple?

Li Jie: Oh! I know. Grins mischievously Parsa is great when it comes to disguises, so he always makes sure to pretend to be my servant in the morning. Every day that I leave for the court, he makes sure to be around, and our hands touch only for a millisecond, but everything that we went through just makes it much more memorable than a thousand kisses.

Wallflower: That's a unique and intriguing tradition you've got there. It must add a touch of excitement to your routine. Now, for our final question, what advice would each of you give to other couples, whether they're navigating challenges or simply trying to keep the flame alive?

Li Jie: There's no such thing as falling out of love. You either love or you don't love someone. Couples grow together, and the more time you spend together, the more joy and comfort you should find in their embrace.

Parsa: I do believe that there are people who fall out of love or maybe the seven-year itch, but at the same time, I also agree with Li Jie. There must be a turning point in the relationship if you are falling out of love after a long time, so work through it with your lover and find that key point. Sometimes, people let go too easily.

Li Jie: To complete Parsa's words, I guess I can believe in that too but... I don't believe in mistakes. If your partner cheats or is a red flag in any harsh way, there's no working through anything. Just leave. It's hard, but there are more fish in the sea, and you deserve a better (more delicious) one.

Parsa: Am I your best fish?

Li Jie: Well, you're like a big whale, so it's kinda hard to even notice other ones.

Parsa: ...

Parsa: Thanks, I guess?

Wallflower: oh... my dumb babies...

Wallflower: Sigh... Thank you both for sharing your insights and experiences. You've navigated through a lot together and found a unique way to make your relationship work. Best of luck with all your adventures, both as characters in this novel and in the world you inhabit.

Li Jie: Thanks to everyone who supports and roots for me! Your support means a lot to me. Sometimes you are the one who decides my fate, not the author, so please don't give up on me~

Parsa: And thanks to everyone who didn't throw away my memory after my death because as much as I want Li Jie to be happy, being forgotten actually hurts...

Li Jie: ...

Li Jie: Goodbye everyone! I have a dog to coax now, so... bye for now~

Wallflower: Oh! And if you have any questions for any other character or these two, drop them here in the comments and they'll answer <3 bye for now~

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