Chapter 23: Bitter truth

Start from the beginning

"I'm sorry, love. I just..." He trailed off with yet another sigh.

"I didn't mean it in that way, love" He said after a brief moment.

"She is my child too, Edward" My mother stated firmly.

"And so is he, love" My father replied in a rather low voice.

"So is he..." He continued, repeating his own words.

"He is your son, Ashima...our son" He said.

"Our first born" He added and I could feel my eyes getting moist sensing the nth of emotions in his voice and those three words of his.

"Your little favorite boy, Ashima" My father said further.

"He was..." My mother trailed off and even without looking at her I could tell that she was on the verge of crying already.

"He was, Edward...until he severed all ties with us" My mother added and with that being said I heard her fading footsteps as she walked away from the conversation.

And with that I slowly walked out of my home too, with a heavy heart and a lone tear sliding down my cheek.

"Miller! Where the heck were you? I almost thought you bailed on us and I would have to play Aurora" Steve yelled in his usual panicked tone as soon as I walked towards the back stage.

Yes please, Steve, just keep panicking and yelling at'll at least help me divert my mind from my family drama.

"Steve! Stop yelling!" Bethany said covering her ears dramatically.

"My poor eardrums" She mumbled to herself softly.

"Cyn!" I heard a familiar voice right before I was attacked with a hug.

"Madi! You finally made it back to your friends" I teased while hugging her back as she pulled back and shot a playful glare at me.

I was just joking and she very obviously knew that as well.

"Madi, let's just wait and see how she acts after she finds 'the one'..." Sean commented dramatically.

"Shut up! Sean" Madison, Bethany and I said at the same time and looking at each other we burst out laughing.

"Anyways, Cyn, I just wanted to wish you luck before your performance" Madison said after we came down from the high of our laughter.

"Thanks, Madi" I replied smiling at her.

"Well...I don't know about Aurora but Cynthia Miller does needs all the luck she can get...for her relationship..." I heard an ear screechingly annoying voice and unfortunately I have heard that voice enough times to recognize it.

"With Damien" She added.

"Sean. Please tell me that's not your plastic girlfriend" I said extra sweetly, with a fake smile as Sean just smiled at me awkwardly, perfectly knowing that it was actually none other than Stella Winters, herself.

"Because I'm not in the mood to gouge anybody's eyes out today" I added.

"Oh stop harassing my poor boyfriend, sweetie..." Stella paused walking towards us.

"Rather why don't we talk about how your boyfriend harassed you...two days back" She continued while flashing her shining pearls at me.

"Boyfriend?" Madison, Sean and Steve questioned at the same time while Bethany just looked at me confused, not saying anything as she knows that one shouldn't believe anything that comes out of Stella Winters mouth straight away.

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