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Chris was sitting, reading a book when he noticed his doorbell light flashing.

He stood and opened the door to see Natasha. A smile crossed his face and he signed, 'To what do I owe the pleasure?'

'Can't I visit you?'

'Of course you can.' He studied her expression. 'Are you okay?'

Natasha nodded. 'You remember how I went back home to finish something?'

'On the run amongst other things, but yeah. How'd it go?'

'It went well. He's gone for good.'

Chris nodded and a small smile crossed his face. 'Good. I'm glad you don't have to worry about him anymore.'

'I also saw my sister and adopted parents.'

'Oh yeah? How was that?'

'We managed not to kill each other, so I consider that a win.' He paused. 'Nat, will you marry me? You're my best friend and I wouldn't want to spend the rest of my life with anyone else. I know we aren't engaged, but this feels right, you know?'

Natasha nodded and smiled. 'Yes, Chris, I'll marry you.'

'I don't want anything big. Just something small with our closest friends. If you're okay with that.'

'That sounds perfect.'

He kissed her cheek as a cheeky smile crossed his face. 'I could get used to the blonde.'

'I thought a change was necessary after recent events.'

A month later, the two were married in a simple ceremony with several close friends at the Barton farm. They'd had to nearly bribe Tony not to throw too extravagant a wedding.

Once they'd exchanged vows and shared their first kiss as husband and wife, Chris said, 'I'm glad I met you, Tasha.'

'Me too, Chris.'

The two intertwined their hands and shared a smile as they looked out across the guests; friends they'd come to know and love as the years had passed.

And neither would trade it for the world.

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