Julius Caesar Remake

Start from the beginning

Cassie- For the simple matter that I see a human being about to get his heart broken. I mean Callie is going to be in Europe all alone…

Brandon-She wouldn’t cheat!

Cassie-When in Rome…

Brandon-(exasperated) what do you want me to do?

Cassie-Simple. Break them up. There is one game in between now and then-

Brandon-I can’t do that to my friend!

Cassie-Whatever. Then he will suffer.

(She leaves followed by Brandon)

Scene 2-School lawn

(Enter Penny and Brandon)

Penny- Are you okay?

Brandon-Why wouldn’t I be?

Penny-You’ve been awfully quiet that’s all.

Brandon- I have a lot on my mind.

Penny- What’s wrong?

Brandon-What do you mean?

Penny-You quote the old cliché, (she mimics him) I have a lot on my mind and I’m not supposed to suspect anything? I know there is something wrong.

Brandon-There isn’t anything you can help with.

Penny-try me.


Penny-Spit it out.

Brandon-Cassie was talking to me today.


Brandon- She said that Callie might cheat on Julian while she’s on her trip.

Penny-Forget her she’s just jealous.

Brandon-She told me I should break them up.

Penny-No way.

Brandon-(nodding) yes she said with Callie away Julian wouldn’t b able to concentrate on the game and mess up his chances with Norfolk.

Penny-That is a quandary.

Brandon-and I have no idea what to do.

Penny- Whatever you do will be alright. Julian is your friend and your are doing this for the right reasons. It’ll work out.

Brandon-I hope so.

Scene3-empty cafeteria

Trevor enters with Callie

Trevor-is it going as you planned?

Cassie-Yes, by the end of today their will  be confusion and distrust everywhere.

Trevor-this is just too easy

Cassie-that’s because you haven’t done anything!


            Footsteps that go unheard by the two of them

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