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"Mr. Sky... wh-why wh-what... am I in the right room.?" I asked in horror.

"Hi." She sickly giggled.

The urge to throw up build up in my stomach. The sight was disgusting, sickly, and dirty for my morals.

She was on top of him, topless, her chest on display, her bottom barely covered with the red satin dress that clung to her body exposing her thighs. Her face smeared with make-up, lipstick all over her full lips and exceed the boundaries of her lips, the black marks evidence of the running mascara down her cheeks and at the corner of her eyes, black hair dishevelled merciless above her head, but it doesn't bother her as she relaxed enjoying down there.

I gagged trying to hold up the disturbing feeling built in my throat, Allan top was half exposed, red lipstick all over his face, he doesn't pretend to make me believe that it is just a mistake or it is not what I think or we were just working.

"Threesome.?" Allan asked winking and the woman purred biting her lip gawking at him like a golden mine.

Is he serious?

"What?" I spat angry.

"Are you up for threesome because I don't mind." The woman bat her long fake lashed to my direction position herself over Allan.

I felt stupid. I felt dirty. Is this why the receptionist looked at me with disgust? Am not this kind of a woman. This is not the kind of my romance story I want.

"Is she yellow.?" I heard the woman whine running her manicured nails over his hair.

Allan smirked "She is RED."

What on earth are they talking about?

"What do you mean Allan.?" I asked referring him by his first name because I already throw my last respect out of the door.

The woman scoffed at my words and Allan rolled his eyes boredly.

"What am I doing here Allan.?" I asked impatiently.

"Where did you pick her, she's so... unpleasing." She finished whilst eyeing me up and down.

The audacity of this woman.

He groaned running his hand over the woman shoulders "I was in a rush so didn't have the chance to fill her in."

She smirked "Okay little girl, you don't have to act all surprised and blah blah. You are just a random hook up of this delicious meat according to your red card now stop standing over there and come over here."

He squeezed her thighs and she giggled "Easy there little slut, you'll scare the poor pretty girl."

Does he find this funny.?

I close my eyes and open them briefly, I felt very dumb. Am very fond of the romance, love story and happy ending but this is the horror dark romance story and am an extra character.

I practically hurried out and run through the stairs because my mind was congested and I feel like I'll faint if I'll take an confined space.

I pull out my phone, unlock and search.

Search: Allan Sky cards.

Answer: Allan Sky cards are appreciation token and display different hierarchies of a beholder to his Company.

My glossy eyes blurred with tears, hurrying down the stairs. I held my breath, stood at the step and typing.

Search: what does red card mean to Allan?

Answer: There is no red card hierarchy to Allan's Company. But there are gold, silver, black and grey.

I laugh dryly like a mad woman.

Is this some kind of prank? So, no red card or even the yellow card that slut was spewing about.

I took a step down and I winced to the sharp pain from the back of my ankle.

"You better be kidding me." I muttered bending down in disbelief eyeing the red fluid oozing from the back of my feet.

"Tap." The stupid card fell down and I shot it with fire arrows, and I ignore it.

Something catch my eyes and I gawk once again at the card.




It was written, I pick it up and examine both sides. I sat down at the stair and unlock my phone once again.

Search: Allan's Red Tab.



It displayed at the section.

I put in TWENTY to the username section because it was the fist to be mentioned and below it I put 20 as it was the second to be mentioned at the card.

It blinked twice and a website kind of thing pop in.

Welcome to Random Hook Up. Set date, time, and location of your hook up with the man of your dream, Skyler. Scheduling help your acquittances to be aware of your time to shine and prevent ridiculous misunderstandings.

"Piece of shit, garbage, stinky rotten meat, trash, smelly feet, rotten eggs." I gritted my teeth and tried to screenshot.

Sorry this site doesn't allow any screenshots, recording, copy, pasting or any sharing of the information to other third part.

I laughed dryly, sobbing and broke down in tears.

So, I did act cheap out there.

Did he make his workers not present for his hideous activities? Is that why there was only a receptionist available out there.?

I wiped my tears with sleeve of my magenta chiffon blouse and dialled a contact.

"It doesn't Snow at Striking Blue Electro Company."

I hung up after muttering those few words, I took off my black heels, standing up smoothing my black pencil skirt and hurried down the stairs.

I ignore the pain shot by dying whining feet, ignore the dirty look that the receptionist escort me with and I exit the building.

"Amore." The deep low velvet bass voice brought my vigorous pumping heart in a steady pace.

I look up at the man few meters in front of me, the sun shone to his figure like a white knight in rescue. In a black fitted jeans paired with a round neck full sleeved fitted white t-shirt with white Air force.

"Snow" I broke out sobbing and he hurried catching me up to the entrance front stairs.

"Am here Amore, are you okay.?" He asked softly with concern running his hand over my back.

That is where all the fluid in my body squeezing out through my eyes hearing the are you okay question.

I shake my head in denial vigorous sobbing in rage, furry, annoyance, wrath and all the type of synonyms of anger.

He rubbed in circles upon my back "I understand, let get you home Amore".

He detaches the hug; he looks pained as he is cupping my face tenderly and wipe the stubborn flowing tears from my messy face because am sure I look like a joker with all colours from the smeared makeup all over my face.

My apologies joker.

He sighed sadly scooping me up in his arms in bridal style, I leaned to his chest and sobbing quietly overwhelmed of the feelings of how stupid and dumb I acted.

Guys guys, yoh gud!?
Sooooo, what u think!?
Hope u enjoyed🥂

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