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"We call him Snow White." Joy gave her tooth grin referring to the five feet ten white haired man sitting at the corner of the room with a tan skinned girl.

Allison eyes pop out of her socket "Snow White?"

"The similarity is only lips red as rose but the thing that is as white as snow is his hair and not his skin which is pale. See!" She gagged and Allison slapped her hand.

"That was supposed to be an insult, you know to make him crawl out of his skin, lower his self-esteem by comparing him to Disney Princess and make him question his existence." She shrugged and Allison pouted ogling at the guy who now was laughing at whatsoever the tan girl was saying while eating.

"But he knew much that is how boys are, you know all the attention they ever received shifted to the white-haired man." Joy said before winking at Allison who shifted her gaze at her.

She shrugged "Envy, then it turns out to be admiration. He became what they didn't expect him to be." Allison eyes focused on the Joy's hazel ones.

"The typical jock, man whore, attention seeker, cold jackass, intimidating man of the hour but he turned to be the unforgettable Prince charming with kind heart, caring and lovable with his killer smile and handsome manner." Joy sighed dramatically and Allison blushed stealing a glance at the guy.

"Trust me, you don't have a chance. Don't dream about it Allie." Joy smiled apologetically at the hopeless in crush girl.

She sighed sadly looking at her lap before asking "Is it obvious that I've a crush on him?"

"Yes, it is. All the gawking, giggling and shy looks didn't go in vain. But it's not something to be ashamed of." Allison eyes lit up with hope at the end and Joy scoffed rolling her eyes.

"He knew he is heartthrob, from junior to senior years ranked as number one school heartthrob but it didn't waver him... she paused looking at white haired guy opening a Pepsi take away to the tan skinned girl... he remained to be the best prince charming for her" She sighed croaking her head to the tan skinned girl.

"Cliché, right.?" She asked and Allison nodded eying the tan skin girl with envy.

"Um... what's... what's his real name?" She asked shyly.

Joy smirked at the blushing Allison "Kaiden, Kaiden Karlsson."

"Kaiden." Allison tried tasting his name on her lips slowly.

"Does she know that Kaiden love her.?" She asked now looking at the tan skinned girl.

"She said 'you are pure hearted, innocent but not naïve as they claim you to be as Snow white. You are my Snow. Fluffy, beautiful, and pure, my very own best friend.' She is the only one calls him Snow." Joy spaced out remembering one of the events of her senior year, lost on her own thoughts.

"To answer your question, everyone knows that Snow white is madly in love with Isabella Amore Luciano except for Isabella Amore Luciano herself I think." Joy added chuckling and Allison snapped her head to Joy, widening her eyes.

She cleared her throat "Is... is... did he name the Café Amore because of Isabella.?"

Joy grinned like a Cheshire cat "The whole town knows Isabella Amore is probably definitely hundred percent the reason behind the name Café Amore..."

She winked and continue with her narration "but... she trailed off sassily... according to our new Mr. money in town, our Snow white says that he aimed to serve what we devour in our everyday life with love, because everyone deserves a little affection when served food, drinks you know... yada yada."

She blushed running her fork along the food on her plate staring at Kaiden "Maybe I'll have a chance..."

"Maybe with another snow white but not with this Amore's Snow White from my opinion because when you are trying to show your efforts the man is trying even harder to show Isabella Amore Luciano that HE IS RIGHT THERE FOR HER AND HE IS IN LOVE WITH HER and I guess the whole town is praying for the pair to end up together".

Joy mumbled the last part almost to herself, picking up her unfinished plate of food and headed out of the room leaving the raven head new employee ogling at the pair who laughing at something that Kaiden shows on the phone having no idea that they were an interesting topic at the latter pair.


Hi guys,🤒

Soooooo, tell me how is it for a first chapter?😁

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