Episode 8A: The WAH-Lympics

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(Start on the first floor of WarioWare HQ. The whole gang is gathered together except for WARIO.)

9-Volt-Is...there a reason Wario called us all down to the first floor?

Mona-And is there a reason he's not here with us?

Ashley-I knew it. It's the second annual Waries.

(WARIO bursts through the door.)

Wario-It's something even better than that!

Ashley-How did you hear me?

Wario-I have a little surprise for all of you. I was thinking we could stand to do a little team bonding, so I created a fun activity for all of us.

(He takes a flyer out of his pants and holds it up above his head.)

Wario-TA-DA! It's called the WAH-lympics!

(The people at the back of the room begin squinting and leaning forward to read the flyer.)

Wario-Why are you looking at me like that? You act like you've never seen a flyer before.

5-Volt-Well, it's really far away. We can't read the text.

Wario-You wanna read it? Fine. Go ahead and read it.

(He folds the flyer into a paper airplane and throws it to the back of the room. It hits ASHLEY in the head.)

Wario-Oops. Sorry.

(ASHLEY glares at him.)

Wario-Aaaaanyway, we're going to meet up next Wednesday at 1 pm at Crystal Park. Be there or it's coming out of your paycheck.

(Everyone groans.)

Wario-Okay, it's not coming out of your paycheck. Just be there or be square.

(Cut to Crystal Park. WARIO is gathered with the rest of WarioWare.)

Mona-Wow! It's so beautiful outside.

(Shot of LANA at the back of the group covering herself in sunscreen.)

Lana-Don't forget your sun protection! As beautiful as the sun may be, it can also be dangerous.

Jimmy-And it's pretty amazing that there's nobody else here. We got the whole place to ourselves!

Wario-Oh, that's not a coincidence. Turns out you can just rent the park for an afternoon. That being said, welcome, everyone, to the first annual WAH-lympics!

(Scattered applause.)

Ashley-Is this actually going to be annual?

Wario-Yes it is, and you're going to like it! Before we get started playing any sports ball, we've gotta get into teams!

(He takes out a bunch of bandannas colored red, blue, green, and yellow.)


Wario-Yeah! Teams! What's a team building event without any teams?

(He points to one corner of the park.)

Wario-On the Red Rangers, we've got Mona, Jimmy, Lulu, Ashley, and Red.

(MONA, LULU, JIMMY, ASHLEY, and RED get into one corner.)

Lulu-I was thinking all the team names were, like, going to be garlic related.

Mona-They were, but then I stopped him.

(WARIO points to a different corner.)

Wario-On the Blue Buffalos, we've got Mantis, Cricket, Mike, Kat, and Ana.

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