Episode 8B: The Other 9-Volt

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(Start outside Diamond City Elementary. The school bell rings. Kids begin exiting through the doors, including 9-VOLT and 18-VOLT.)

9-Volt-Man, class was tough today!

18-Volt-Yeah. I had no idea Ms. Thomson was going to surprise us with that quiz.

9-Volt-At least we can go home and start playing the hottest new release of the month.


(They walk towards the bike rack and reach for their skateboards. They see 13-AMP waiting for them.)

18-Volt-Oh, yeah! I remember you! You're that girl I beat at a rap battle. You're, uh...hold on...Your name's on the tip of my tongue. I just gotta think of it, uh...starts with an H, doesn't it?

13-Amp-It's 13-Amp, and I only forfeited because you can't freestyle.

9-Volt-So what are you doing here? I thought teenagers weren't allowed at elementary schools.

13-Amp-No. What kind of rule is that? I'm just here because I recently heard you weren't human.

9-Volt-Um...how did you know that?

(13-AMP taps her ear.)

13-Amp-Sound powers, kid. Nothing gets past these ears. Honestly, I should have known it from the moment I heard your names were 9-Volt and 18-Volt.

9-Volt-What do our names have to do with it?

13-Amp-It has everything to do with it. The "Volt" part means you're a Volt and have all the powers that entails. The number is the age at which you get your powers.

18-Volt-Wait. Does that mean I'm gonna have the same powers as you?!

9-Volt-I mean, it's not that surprising. We have the exact same name.

13-Amp-Likewise, I'm an Amp, and I got my sound powers at 13...which I still am. Still getting used to the powers, actually.

9-Volt-Why are you telling us all this?

13-Amp-You know what, I could go through the comprehensive list of all the freaks and weirdos living in this town, but how about I just show you?

(She links arms with both of them.)

13-Amp-Your mom's not picking you up, is she?

9-Volt-No, but she's waiting for me at home.

13-Amp-Then just give her a call. You got a phone, don't you?

9-Volt-I have a pager.

13-Amp-Oh. Right. Fourth grade. Well, come with me.

(She walks off. 9-VOLT and 18-VOLT look at each other. Then they grab their skateboards and follow her. Cut to some warehouse on the other side of town. 13-AMP stands in front of the door. 9-VOLT and 18-VOLT are on either side of her.)

9-Volt-I've never been to this side of town before.

18-Volt-Yeah. Where the heck are we?

13-Amp-Somewhere we're all free to be ourselves.

(She opens the door. On the other side is a club with lots of spinning lights and loud music. There are lots of people dancing on the dance floor.)


(They enter the club and weave their way through the crowd towards the DJ in the back.)

13-Amp-Welcome to Club Amp. It was founded by a fellow Amp 20 years ago to give us a place where we could just hang out without the threat of all those curses. It was originally just for Amps, but we've started letting other demons in. Volts, Watts, eventually Ohms. Their power is negating other people's powers. Major killjoy.

WarioWare, Inc. (Season 3)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora