Episode 5B: Boom Box 5.1

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(Start on the second floor of WarioWare HQ. The second-floor crew is gathered around a TV showing the lobby screen for Fibbage 4 from Jackbox. People are getting signed into the game when they hear two arguing voices coming up the stairs.)

Wario-(offscreen) Where do you think you're going? We're not done with this conversation, young robot!

Mike-(offscreen) To the second floor away from you.

Wario-Hey! What I said was not that unrealistic. You can keep my boombox, and I can keep yours.

Mike-But that boombox has my tonal modulators in it.

Wario-Exactly. That's why it plays such good sound.

Mike-It also belongs to Penny. Are you really going to look a 14-year-old girl in the eyes and tell her she can't have her boombox back?

(The door swings open. MIKE walks in backwards, and WARIO walks in forwards. WARIO sees the crew gathered around the TV.)

Wario-What are you doing? You're supposed to be working!

9-Volt-We're doing research into what makes games so fun.

Wario-By playing another one of those Jacked Box games?

18-Volt-There's no learning quite like doing.

(WARIO glares at them for a second.)

Wario-Fine, but once you're done, get back to work.

(He leaves and closes the door.)

Penny-Hey, Mike. Want to watch us play Fibbage?


(He pulls up a chair next to PENNY and sits down.)

Mike-How does this work?

9-Volt-It's a trivia game, but you put in your wrong answers and try to fool the other players. Watch!

(He starts the game. The words "FIBBAGE 4" appear on a black screen. The voice of the host, COOKIE MASTERSON, can be heard.)

Cookie-Welcome to Fibbage, the stupid game for jerks. I'm Cookie. (sigh) Sorry. I just found out my car's been impounded because apparently, we live in a country where it's "illegal" to drive with a "suspended license," and I can't go back to the bus. They know me there. (suddenly peppy) Anyway, how are you guys?

(The words "5-VOLT: CHOOSE CATEGORY" appear on the screen.)

Cookie-Gimme a category.

(Several category names scroll across the screen: "L.A. LIFE," "HOT AND IN PERIL," "NEAR MISSES," "QUAKING," and "NATIONAL HEROES.")

5-Volt-So do I just pick one?


(5-VOLT selects an option on her phone. The scroll slows down and stops on "L.A. LIFE.")

Cookie-Here's your first question: The 1994 Northridge, California earthquake caused massive damage and could have claimed the life of megastar George Clooney. Luckily, he was narrowly saved by...blank. Type in your lies now.

(Everyone starts typing on their phones and computers.)

Penny-So Wario said no to letting us have the boombox?


(PENNY sighs.)

Penny-I just don't know how we're supposed to get through to him. That boombox belongs to us.

Mike-How did it even end up with him, anyway?

(Just then, the answer choices appear on the screen. Laughter erupts as people read them.)

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