Sting was frantic, looking all around to see if anyone would notice you leaving. He wondered where you were going, if you were going with anyone. But since Lola was staying where she was, and even she looked a bit paranoid, Sting knew that something was wrong. He looked up to where Master Jiemma was sitting, and next to him was Dobengal.

"Dobengal!" Sting called, and he immediately went over to Sting. "Follow Y/n."

You bobbed and weaved in between people until you finally made it into a hallway in the arena. From there, you booked it as fast as you could down the hallway, trying to get to the other side. Your goal? Catch up with Erza. Or anyone from the team.

You felt like you were running around in circles, until you made it down to one of the lower levels. As you came around a corner, you saw the scarlet hair that was always so noticeable. She wasn't in her armor anymore, and you assumed that maybe she was coming back from the infirmary.

"Erza!" You called out, and she turned around. When she saw you, her eyes shined, and the biggest smile appeared on her face.

"Y/n!" She called back, and you both ran over to each other, meeting in the middle to hug each other tight. When she pulled away, she placed her hands in your face. "I can't believe it!"

"You were amazing!" You gushed, feeling tears well up in your eyes.

"Are you okay? That was some battle with Kagura." Erza asked, her eyes now full with worry.

"Don't worry about me." You shook your head, but she made you stop, holding your face a tad bit tighter.

"I do worry, Y/n. You're my family. Natsu told us everything."


"Everything that happened back then. I cannot support Macao for his decisions. If I were there—"

"You can't try and blame this on yourself, Erza. This- This 'transaction' was all Macao's doing. The only person who tried to stop it was Romeo."

"I know. And when the truth comes out, everyone will be upset with him."

"No one else knows?" You asked, feeling your heart ache, but you weren't sure what. Maybe it was the sense of Justice that you wanted.

"Not everyone yet. So far, only Team A. But Natsu is planning to talk to Master Makarov. So we're hoping that Makarov can make a deal."

"A deal?"

"You know Gramps. Hopefully he'll have everything go back to the way things are supposed to be. But in the meantime, you'll just have to remain with Sabertooth."

"Erza, I—"

"You don't need to say anything. Just leave it to me. Leave it to Fairy Tail. We will bring you back to where you belong. When that time comes, we will simply thank Sabertooth for watching you while we were away. And then we will take you home, home to Fairy Tail."


"Everything will be okay. I promise you."

"You've always been a person I admired, and even today, you remind me of the person I used to be... I... I don't like the person I've become."

"You don't like the person Sabertooth wants you to be, Y/n. Deep down, you know who you are, and that's a Fairy. Just wait a bit longer. It will be okay." She smiled sweetly, dragging her thumb across your cheek.

"Tell everyone I say hi." You smiled back, and she nodded before removing her hands from your face, and walking away to join back her team. You stood there, watching her walk away.

Sold to Sabers•(Sting x Reader)•Book 1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें