The Candidate

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The Candidate

Star City Warehouse

Laurel in her Black Canary suit was running towards a Ghost and tackled him off the roof. Two other Ghost aimed guns at her from the top but were shot by red arrows. Speedy engaged with three other ghosts from below her.

Laurel fought another ghost on a crate.

Bullets started flying towards her courtesy of two ghosts on the ground. She backflipped behind cover as Diggle engaged with the two ghosts, directing their attention away from her so she could engage another on the top. She knocked the ghost out and Oliver shot a zip-line for her to get down and help Diggle.

Felicity: (on comms) I want a code name.

Green Arrow: (confused) What?

Felicity: well, everyone's got a code name; you even have a new one. I want a code name.

Oliver: find the bomb and then we'll talk.

Felicity: I'm scanning frequency signatures. I just know we're not going to talk about it. (she turned to the left monitor) John you've got a runner.

John: I'm on it.

Felicity: I got the bomb. The ghost frequency of choice is ground level. Ten'll get you twenty it's the bomb.

Green Arrow jumped through a vent that took him to the ground floor. He was met with two soldiers in red who aimed guns at him. Green Arrow shot them both in the chest.

Green Arrow: uh, guys, who are these guys in red?

Meanwhile up top, John turned to Laurel with understanding.

John: He's here.


Oliver: John? Canary? Anyone copy?


Suddenly, Oliver was shot in the shoulder. Thankfully the Kevlar protected him. He heard a laugh that was disordered by a voice changer.

Green Arrow: (he aimed an arrow) who's there?!

Suddenly a man in a red mask appeared a few feet down the hall from behind a cloud of smoke. Oliver aimed an arrow at him.

Green Arrow: you have failed this city.

Red Hood: not as badly as you failed your brother, Mr. Queen.

Green Arrow fired the arrow towards him only for Red Hood to catch it and throw it to the side.

Green Arrow: what do you want?!

Red Hood: Justice.

He aimed his Ak at him and sprayed tagging Arrow in the leg as he dived for cover.

Green Arrow: who are you?!

Red Hood: the one that's going to run you out of town again. Starling, Star whatever they call it, it's mine now.

Green Arrow: (he aimed an arrow) we'll see about that!

He fired the arrow at Red Hood's gun, disarming him.

Red Hod rushed to Arrow and started hitting him with combat that felt familiar to Ollie. Hood his Arrow's face knocking him out.


Oliver woke up in a medical bed surrounded by his team who were all in casual clothes.

John: I see you've met Red Hood.

Arrow: The Broken HoodWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt