An Alliance

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An Alliance



Damian Darhk was sitting on his desk watching the news. This new "Green Arrow" is going to be a problem for him and his new plan when suddenly the power cut out.

Damian: oh goody. A visitor. Is that you Mr. Green Arrow

A distorted voice spoke.

Voice: no. (The power turned back on revealing the Red Hood) a friend.

Damien: (sarcastically) oh you're the Red Hood. I'm a big fan of your work. I have a few things I could criticize it for. But first order of business. What the hell do you want from me?

Red Hood: an alliance. I know you're the run who's running the ghosts. I want in.

Damien: well, prove your worth and maybe I'll consider it.

Red Hood: (he pulled up a screen of a CCTV camera in a warehouse causing Damien to look with interest) I can give you another army. A more well trained and disciplined one. I call them the Militia.

Damien: impressive. You know, maybe I'll take you up on your offer.

Suddenly the Doors behind them opened and Quentin Lance walked in.

Quentin: We need to talk Darhk. (He saw Red Hood and stopped) what's he doing here?

Damien: meet our newest ally, Mr. Red Hood.

Quentin: I know who he is.

Red Hood: then you know what I'm capable of. What's a police Captain doing here?

Damien: oh Mr. Lance has been in my pocket for a while now.

Red hood tilted his head, causing confusion from Quentin who was trying to read him. He shook his head and turned to Darhk

Quentin: not anymore. I want out.

Damien: I'm afraid I can't allow you to do that.

Quentin: excuse me?

Damien: do I need to remind you what'll happen to DA Laurel Lance?

Quentin gave him a glare.

Damien: (he turned to Red Hood) I even have a new assassin to send after her.

Damien: (he turned back to Red Hood) now back to our alliance. There's usually a catch when someone wants to team up with me. What's yours?

Red Hood: (he clenched his fists) I want the Green Arrow dead.

Damien: (he smirked) now that's something I can work with.


Laurel stood in front of her sister, Sara's grave and placed a flower in front of it. She then moved to a grave that said:

Here lies Patrick Queen

Loving Brother


And Boyfriend

Laurel placed a flower next to the grave and walked away. Unbeknownst to her, the Red Hood was watching her as she walked to Palmer Industries.

The Red Hood removed his mask revealing a blond-haired man with blue eyes that were once full of love and kindness, now just filled with anger and hate.

Patrick: It's time to repent Oliver. 

I decided to write two chapters for today to make up for my absence. enjoy

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