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Starling City


Laurel Lance and Patrick Queen were enjoying an extremely romantic dinner at Laurel's apartment. Laurel was taking time off her Lawyer work. The two sat in silence trying to ignore the main issue. Patrick was dealing with the aftermath of his sister getting kidnapped by who he thought was his friend, Slade Wilson. Laurel grew tired of Patrick's silence.

Laurel: (softly) Pat, it's okay if you want to talk about it.

Patrick: (emotional) what's there to talk about Laurel? Thea was kidnapped and won't talk to Oliver, and I'm currently fucking terrified. Slade's still out there.

Laurel: (she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his forehead reassuringly) Patrick, I won't let anything happen to you. I promise.

Patrick: (he let out a chuckle) And I won't let anything happen to you either, Laurel.

Patrick looked over at the Tv and turned up the volume.

Newscaster: police have issued a warrant for Slade Wilson after Thea Queen named him as the mastermind of her kidnapping. Slade Wilson is to be considered armed and dangerous.

Laurel: (she turned off the Tv) Don't listen to that. (She smiled) Focus on your drawing.

Patrick nodded and grabbed his journal and began scribbling a portrait of Laurel, something he was intending to surprise her with it on her birthday.

Laurel went to the kitchen to grab a bowl of soup the two of them were cooking when she heard someone knocking at the door. She went to go answer. Patrick walked up behind her and watched her as she opened the door only to see Slade Wilson.

Laurel gasped in shock as she tried to slam the door in his face, Patrick helping her keep it shut but Slade pushed it open with unnatural strength pushing Laurel on the ground.

Patrick: Laurel!

Patrick rushed to her side but was grabbed by one of Slade's men. Patrick looked up at Slade.

Slade: so protective. Just like your brother.

Patrick: Leave my brother alone you, son of a bitch!

Slade: believe me boy, if I wanted your brother dead, he would be.

Laurel tried to stand up but was kicked back down by Slade.

Patrick: Leave her alone!

Slade: oh, believe me boy, I will. She's not who I want.

Slade turned to Patrick and punched him knocking out the middle sibling of the Queen family.



Patrick woke up chained to the ceiling slightly suspending him in the air.

Patrick pulled the chains trying to get free with no success when he heard footsteps.

Slade entered the room, emerging from the shadows with a sadistic smile.

Patrick: what do you want?

Slade: nothing then to see your brother suffer.



Verdansk, Basement

Oliver Queen and John Diggle were watching Felicity hack on her computer trying to get a lock on Slade's location.

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