Welcome to Happy Harbour

Start from the beginning

Speedy turns and walks away but must walk past Robin and Aqualad to escape the docks entirely. Who stand on either side of two crates, creating a path that will lead right out of the ports if you know the way. 

"So, Speedy, you in?"

 "Pass." the oldest says firmly but does pause to give them the answer. 

"I'm done letting Arrow and the League tell me what to do. I don't need a babysitter or a clubhouse to hang out with the other kids. Your Junior Justice League is a joke." Aqualad stops leaning against the crate. "Something to keep you busy and in your place." Speedy growls, looking right at Robin before walking off. "I don't want any part of it." All three can only watch as their oldest friend, and the one they look up to turns it down and insults it. Then, they turn to each other with shocked expressions.

*Meanwhile, at Mount Justice*

The scene changed, showing what the later dubbed Space Trio was doing at the time. Miss Martian and Superboy were seen sitting at the kitchen island munching on some chips Andrew had brought. 

"If I understand correctly, Superboy has the abilities of Kryptonian physiology and all its powers minus Heat Vision and Frost Breath while trading Flight for a Super Leap and the standard weakness of any Kryptonian, While Miss Martian has the abilities of Martian physiology with its weakness of intense heat." Andrew stated. The two nodded, but Superboy got curious and asked Andrew a question. "Since we're talking about powers and weaknesses. What are yours, Crimson?"

The Red Lantern hero turned his natural cold gaze to the clone; the two stared at each other for a few seconds before Andrew nodded.

"My powers are those of a standard lantern corps member, such as enhanced strength and endurance as well as constructs and flight. However, my corps gives me unique abilities, such as the ability to absorb someone's anger, infect someone with rage, illusion generation, blood portals, rage plasma, and the ability to mimic one's power through the absorption of their blood temporarily. My weaknesses include the influence of the Blue Lantern Corps power, my emotional dependency on rage, and uncontrollable rage, which you, unfortunately, had to be on the blunt end of Superboy. My apologies once again-"

Superboy just nodded as the league explained it to the clone, and Andrew apologized the second he met back up with the team. Repeatedly.

"And finally, the ring has replaced my blood with plasma, meaning if I am separated from the ring, I will die as I no longer have blood in my body, and the plasma will boil me alive."

This surprised the new members; Crimson was a walking time bomb. Remove his ring, and he dies. But he can also become blinded by rage to the point he sees no difference between friend and foe. But before their train of thought could continue, they were interrupted by Andrew. 

"While in civilian attire, we do not use our code names. An example is mine; my true alias is Andrew Ashton. I wish to learn about Miss Martians and give Superboy his own, as he wasn't given one."

This slightly took aback the clone. Someone he only recently met, whose power is fueled by anger and hatred, was helping him, giving him a name so that he's not just a clone of Superman but an actual person. As Miss Martian told the two her name and the Earth equivalent, he was snapped out of his stupor.

"Well, my Martian name is M'gann M'orzz, but you can call me Megan Morse!" She chirped.

Andrew then pulled out his phone and pulled up a random name generator for Superboy's name.

Young Justice: Red Rage (Miss Martian x OC)Where stories live. Discover now