The Basement | 2

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Tony was everything that people could only dream of. He had money, he had cars. He had a business, he had friends. But there was one thing that he felt like he didn't have. He just couldn't think of what. So no matter what he bought and accumulated. The emptiness he felt was always present. Instead, he busied himself in his lab. Staying up at late hours and suffering from sleep deprivation.

Tony was working on his latest tower upgrade. Expanding F.R.I.D.A.Y's surveillance to the basement. He knew nothing and no one would ever be down there. But he needed something to do and he was running out of options. "Why can't this feeling just go away and stop making me feel like trash?" Tony muttered to himself.

"What feeling Tones?" Rhodey asked, standing in the doorway. Tony jumped slightly.

"Gosh, Rhodes. Don't ever do that to me."

Rhode sighed and made his way to stand in front of Tony's work bench. "Tony, I hate to be like Pepper. But you need to get some sleep. Living off of coffee isn't good for you."

"Rhodey, I will continue to live off of coffee until I can fill the emptiness that won't go away. Now, if you'll kindly leave me be..." Tony popped a blueberry into his mouth and chewed, shooing Rhodey away. Rhodey rolled his eyes and left the lab. He knew there was nothing he could do to convince Tony to leave the lab. Tony placed another blueberry into his mouth and continued to work. As he did, his eye lids started to feel heavy. "I need some more coffee..." Tony dragged himself onto the elevator. The elevator stopped at the penthouse floor and Tony once again dragged himself to the kitchen at a ponderous pace. He turned on the coffee pot and sighed miserably. "I hate this more than anything else I hate. And that may be saying a lot." Tears threatened to spill from his eyes, but he held them back. He watched as the coffee that was being made, trickled down into the pot below. It was a tedious, lengthy process, but he had nothing else to temporarily fill the empty void. Or was watching the coffee making process the product of the empty void? Tony didn't care as long as he had the coffee he was slowly starting to get addicted to. Or was he already addicted to it? He didn't care, or know about anything anymore.

The coffee brewer dinged, and Tony grabbed a giant mug almost bigger than his hand. He poured all of the coffee from the pot into his mug then left the kitchen. "Back to work." Tony sighed. "Boss?" F.R.I.D.A.Y's Irish voice rang out in the elevator.

"What F.R.I.D.A.Y?" Tony tried to sound annoyed as possible. He failed at that. Mainly because when you haven't had enough sleep, you tend to just sound sleep deprived.

"That new basement surveillance system you've installed is picking up a form of human life. And their vitals are slowly dropping. They seem to be bleeding out. You might want to get someone down there boss." Tony groaned and instead let the elevator take him to the basement. When the elevator stopped, Tony didn't see anything or anyone. "There's no one down here F.R.I'." Tony rolled his eyes and was about to go back up, but he heard something. "Help..." Tony stopped in his tracks. That was a young voice. "Please?" Tony turned around and walked further into the basement. He saw a figure slumped over. Tony grabbed his phone and clicked on the flashlight. Tony's eyes widened as his heart rate quickened. There was a young boy who was bleeding from his side.

Word Count: 606

(Brought to you by: Tom Holland - "I drink tea darling."

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