New Girl in New York | 2

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      Charlie was a brunette who never took anyone's crap. She didn't like anyone who thought she was crazy. Which was practically everyone.

Except for the guy she was forced to move next door to. She didn't like him either. He was a boy, and that was enough for her. He worked where she worked. At 'Stunning Shots'. It was the only place she usually ever saw him. She was his trainee when it came to being new at the job. She hated her situation and everything about it. At least her trainer was cute. Wait! Cute? He most definitely was not cute. He was obnoxious. And a self-entitled loser.

"Ugh!" Charlie screamed as she walked away from his shut door. "Stupid Peter Parker. With his stupid cute face." She mumbled to herself. She quickly realized what she just said and frantically looked around, like there could've been someone lurking in the shadows listening to her. "No! He's not cute Charlie!" Just then, her phone began to ring. She rolled her eyes at the caller ID and answered it. "Hello?" She said as sweet as she could. "Hey, Ms. Newbern. I was wondering if you could take the Photo-Op in Midtown, for the Invention Convention they're having? I'll pay you extra. Thanks, Parker will join you when he gets the chance." Her boss ranted off as fast as he could. He didn't even give her a chance to reply to his offer. Knowing her boss, he was probably chewing on his wife's homemade gum and throwing a rubber band ball in the air and catching it over and over. All while his sunglasses sat on top of his head holding back his unruly dark curls.

"Wait. Can't I do it without him?" Charlie internally screamed as she seemed to answer calmly.

"Sorry Newbern. You're still training. Gotta' have your trainer, okay? Okay good. See ya. Oh, and get some stunning shots." Her boss hung up with a gun smack before she could protest in vain. She would never go down without a fight. "Gotta' have your trainer," she mocked him. "Ugh. If I hear one of Parker's puns and quips one last time, I'm going to make sure either I quit, or he gets fired." Charlie rolled her eyes and stormed out of her apartment building.

      Charlie made her way to Midtown on her little fire orange bicycle that her late brother had built just for her. It was the only thing she had left of him. Charlie sighed as she pulled into Midtown High's parking lot. "I hate biking from Chinatown to... Literally anywhere else!" She complained as she walked inside of the building with burning legs. "Think I'd be used to it by now." She opened the satchel that her late sister had given to her as a present. And pulled out her new camera. Tied to it was a handmade neck strap. She smiled, taking in all the nostalgia. "Everyone to the gym!" Someone yelled with a slight accent. A gun was fired a couple of times.

This is why Charlie never smiled or found herself caught up in the moment. If she did, then things like being taken hostage, apparently, happened.

Someone pushed her forward forcefully and into the gym. "HEY! You can't do this!" She screamed. Earning cold glares from men and women around her. "I'm not going down with out a fight! I won't!" Charlie kicked and aimed her can of pepper spray at her captivator. Then there was a gunshot. And the only thing Charlie saw was a speeding bullet heading straight towards her.


      Peter landed on a window of Midtown High and peered inside. "So, looks like a whole lotta brutes. I'm not going to be able to walk tomorrow." His mask lenses narrowed as he assessed the situation. "Spider-Man!" A cop called out to him. "Yeah," he jumped down to where the cop was standing. The cop was holding a donut. "What's up? And should you have that donut?" He teased.

"Be quiet, I could have you arrested. Anyway, those men are holding hostages. Adults, teens, babies. You name it. I think I even saw a puppy." The cop took a bite of his donut thoughtfully. "Do you know why?" Peter asked curiously.

"I think they want all the science projects." Peter balled his fists up and gritted his teeth. "I'll save 'em." He said harshly. Babies... Puppies. Who could do such a thing? Then he heard screaming. Not the fear type of screaming, but the kind of screaming that Charlie did when she was angry. "Charlie!" Peter exclaimed in a hushed tone. "Please be okay." Peter climbed onto the ceiling and slowly closed the distance between him and the hostages. He was right above the gunman that was holding Charlie. "I'm not going down without a fight!" She screamed. "I won't!" Peter's spider sense tingled as a gunshot went off. He quickly shot a web, intercepting the bullet aimed for Charlie's head. "What was that?!" One of the gunmen shouted at the one that was holding Charlie. Charlie was thrown to the ground with the other hostages as the two gunmen went head-to-head. Peter rolled his eyes at them and began his job.

   Peter went about his business taking out the gunmen unnoticed. Until, "Alright! Who called the Spider?" Peter sighed. Was he that obvious? "No one. It must've been the police." A teenager said, rolling their eyes. "Okay. But if you're lying... I'm gonna shoot all of ya'!" Peter frowned under his mask. He couldn't let that happen.

After he stealthily finished off all of the bad guys he could finally jump down from the ceiling. He landed in a signature pose and finished off the job by webbing the first tow gunmen from before to a wall. "Like an old married couple, you two." He joked stupidly. "Finally!" The same teenager from earlier cried out.

"Of course it's Spider-Man!" It was Charlie. "You know, you're not very subtle! If we would've gotten killed because of your recklessness. I hope you know that our blood would've been on your hands."

"That's not true Spider-Man rescued us." A little kid protested.

"And if you would've died. Would you still be saying Spider-Man rescued you?" The kid was silent. Charlie turned to Peter and frowned. "I hope you're happy that we're still alive. Spider-Man. Some superhero you are..." Charlie scoffed and left the gym with the other former hostages. Peter stood there in shock as Charlie's words found their way into his mind. "They could've died." He told himself. He hung his head and swung to a building to change into his civilian clothes. After he finished putting his clothes over his suit, he headed for Midtown High with his camera in hand. He walked at a slow and dejected pace as what Charlie said replayed itself over and over again in his head. "Hey Pete." One of his co-workers greeted. Though Peter couldn't care to know who. "Hi." He half smiled.

"No dumb jokes? No science puns? You okay?" Peter nodded his head. He really was okay, he just wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. What Charlie had said really hurt him. What could he do to persuade her to change her opinion about him? But knowing Charlie, could he do anything at all to make her change her opinion.

Word Count: 1,115

(Brought to you by: This quote: "Does mother knoweth you weareth her drapes?" Or... Something like that

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