Chapter Seven

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Wally's heart was beating faster than usual. He knew why he started to avoid Dick.

KidFlash: I don't owe you anything!

Raven: Of course you do! You just kicked Robin out of the team and the Tower! What did he do to you ?!

Raven's eyes turned red, she was out of herself.

KidFlash: Nothing, he didn't do anything.

Raven: THEN WHY ?!

Raven's voice had become serious, her demonic side had taken over her.

Beast boy: Yoh Raven calm down!

Raven: SHUT UP!

Horns had appeared on Raven's head, two other eyes had opened on her forehead.


The lift's doors opened.



The half-demon didn't answer, dark magic surrounded her.



Raven: WHY?!

Raven slammed the supersonic against the wall with her magic.
The young hero groaned in pain.

Cyborg: Raven calm down! He has his reasons! And seriously, defending Robin... I've expected more from you, my dear.

Beast boy: Yoh man it's mean. Robin's maybe not the best leader of the world but he's still the one who brought us together. Without him, you wouldn't be here.

Cyborg: You too beast boy? Seriously? You're defending him too? Look at what he has done to me! If he hadn't sent me against that robot that day just to take the contrôle of the Tower again, I wouldn't be a cyborg. I would still be Victor the nice guy.

Beast boy: You're right in one way man. You're not the nice Victor anymore, you're the mean cyborg now.

Cyborg: Y'all have always known I was a better leader than him.

Raven: SHUT UP!

Robin: Raven stop! Please...

The half-demon looked at her friend and calmed a bit down.

Robin: Thanks.

KidFlash: You know what? It's always like that with you Robin.

Robin: What are you talking about?

KidFlash: Every time I come and visit you, you hurt me!

Robin: You didn't come to visit me! You came to steal my team! Like you always do!

KidFlash: So what? I just wanted us to be on the same team!

Robin: And you thought that if you stole my team and kicked me out of the tower we would be in the same team? Who do you think you're kidding?!

Starfire: Friend Robin, calm down, please...

Robin: Shut up Starfire, this is none of your business! It's between KidFlash and me!

KidFlash: Oh please, why don't you use our real names? Huh? Dick Grayson.

Robin: because they didn't know my identity Wally West. Now get out of my tower or I'll break your knees for the third time.

KidFlash: Not without fighting.

Raven had finally totally calmed down.

Raven: Oh shut up.

The young speedster was teleported outside of the tower, into the ocean.
The poor guy fell into the water.

Raven: And that's a good thing done.

Cyborg: Why would you do that?!

Raven: Because we don't need a new leader, we have Robin

Robin: Thanks Raven.

The black-haired boy thanked his friend and hugged her.

Beast Boy: Robin... I don't know about the others but I am sorry for all the pranks I've done to you, It wasn't funny, it was mean.

Robin: I'm glad you apologized.

Star fire: It's the same for me, I'm sorry. We shouldn't have done all those things.

Robin: As long as you don't do it again...

Cyborg: I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said all those things, and about the leader thing, I rudely told things, I was just pissed.

Robin: It's alright cyborg.

Sorry for not posting that chapter earlier.

XOXO This_writter

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