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"It's finally happening," Bucky sighs, more to himself than for the others to hear.

"And what exactly is happening?" Tony asks with raised eyebrows. His anxious gaze wanders between me and Loki, who deliberately overhears his question. The only one, who he wants to discuss this matter with, the only one, who he wishes to share the excitement about what's happening in this moment with, is Bucky.

"And the best part is, she doesn't have a clue," Loki chuckles, apparently amused by the situation.

"Can't wait to see the expression on her face when she'll realize it," Bucky says, in an overly-enthusiastic manner.

Listening attentively to their discussion, yet not understanding the meaning behind the words, Sam frowns. "When she will realize what?" he asks, confused, just as the rest of the team.

"That she's in love," the answer shoots out of Bucky's mouth as if a well-known fact.

Everyone's heads suddenly spin to Loki and Bucky.

"I can't wait to feel it all, the blast in her core, the glow up in her heart. It will be nothing like we've experienced before," Loki smiles and still doesn't take eyes off me. "Our trio will finally get to be complete," he mumbles to himself, but Super soldier's hearing catches the information.

"Oh, God... You got to be kidding me!" Steve rolls his eyes in disapproval as he realizes what they mean.

Tony starts to pace back and forth nervously. "Please, don't say we're are in for what happened in New York all over again," he sighs and wipes sweat pearls of his forehead.

"Oh, bugger off Stark," Loki scolds him in annoyance. He's not going to let anyone ruin this moment. Their moment. Our moment.

Bucky pulls Loki to the side. "How are you holding on, buddy?" he asks, worried about how Loki might react to what's about to happen.

Loki breathes out loudly. "A few days ago, I punched him for this. Felt good. But not as good as I've expected it would," he admits and chuckles.

Bucky taps his shoulder. "I get that. I really do. I was tempted to do the same, but it's not my prerogative," Bucky sighs, not taking his eyes off us. "On the other hand, I understand how he feels. You and I, we have been there before. And it's not a nice place to be," he adds.

Loki nods and lowers his head.

"To be honest, I'm a bit surprised that our big guy was afraid to tell her. I mean, considering the connection they share, he must've felt she's the one all this time, right?" Bucky frowns, not quite understanding Thor's hesitation.

Loki's lips form a line. "He wasn't afraid that she's not the one. He also wasn't afraid that's she wouldn't feel the same way he does..." he pauses briefly to breathe out the excess air in his lungs that he held on for too long, then swallows the lump that formed in his throat. "He was more than terrified because he knew with absolute certainty, she is the one for him. Deep down, he always knew... He knew that once he'd confine in her, Mattie's subconscious would be set free and make her realize that she feels the same way about him as he feels about her. And that part in particular, scared the Hella out of him. It still scares him," he says, barely audible and tears up.

Not giving up - UsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora