1 2 3 POSE

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"But i dont even know any of your names and you expect me to just think i would just follow you" both of their eyes stared at me i "I am Tora and this is savanna" he said like i am not supposed to be creepes out a handson guy and daughter is at my door knocking and searching for me "look i saw you and i just wanna to get to know you" the hot sun was burning my skin i could tell savanna was defintly feeling it cause she start to fuss
"She might get a sun burn if you have her in the sun like that,that why she fussing" he looked at me and then his daughter "well it be better if were back at your  place" ohh he got me their i shook my head one and decide to lead them back to my place

My place🐬

As we talked some more i begin to calm down,but i still felt something about him as i start to overthink about this man who is in my kitchen with a nice suit on,good shape muscels and a perfect as..."what if i took you out" i snapped out of it me is he saying me the person who is lazy to even do my hair me "why me dont you have a wife if you have a daughter" i didnt want to sound rude but it just came out "no she died actually after she had my second child" wait he have more than one "you have more than one child" he looked at me and looked at his daughter who was playing with my dolls i dressed up for design "yes zayn he 6 and savanna who is 3" i felt bad asking like that but i dont think i am ready for all that,the last person i was with kinda left me with a scar "look it was sweet of you but i dont think i am ready yet atleast let me get to know you i have only saw you twice in my life" he looked at me "twice?" Maybe i shouldnt have said that "yeah twice one at the fashion ceo and at that club last night " he looked at me "oh so that was you, you must have gotton the job" as he looked at the house "oh no the guy was a jerk he said i didnt have what it got" he looked at me the pulled out his phone and text someone "well maybe you get another shot and it be better" i just nodded "you too must be hungry we dont have alot of food here my roommate supposed to have gone shopping and came back"i said "oh you live with some one but that okay" i shaked my head and got up "yea she been my friend since middle school " i said looking in the fridge"so you too a best friends then" what is he trying to get at" i closed the fridge and looked at him "yea mor like sisters she been the only thing i have if she goes somewhere i do to.." the front door open"sorry girl i had to deal with a huge problem henry was a danm liar.." she look at me then to tora then to savanna who is rocking the doll to sleep"ohh you didnt till me you where having company over ..." tora got up and shaked  her hand "sorry she didnt know either it wasnt even plan my name is tora and this is my daughter " allison looked at the little girk, i dont know why when ever she see children or even babies everthing is gone nothing you can do to stop her now "OMG you are so adorable"she let go off tora and pick up savanna who is now being smoosh ,she seem like she like it too

Well 3 hours later

Well one hour became 2 and now he leaving i kinda felt mad he was leaving i dont know why but i did ,savanna was sleeping in my arm i dont know how but she went to my arm and feel asleep i guess she was done with playing with allison and after she was taking picture of her "i had a good time" tora said after taken savanna out of my arm his skin touch mind and i felt a weird but okay enegry from him i smiled at him"maybe i will go out with you just not yet okay " he looked at me and smiled"well atleast can i get your phone number" i usually dont give people my number but i gave him mines and he did the same "well goodnight see you when i do" i said to him and shut the door,if i never lived with anyone i would have died cause when i turn around allison was in my face smiling when the fuck she get so closed to me "Tell me everthing" oh god

Next day

"Well i change my mind you can get the job" i dont know what change is mind but he did and now i am working as not just a beginner but and andvance designer so it amazing

I dress one of my models and let them stand before the camera all you can hears is "1 2 3 pose good jump now let try something different"
I felt so good
"Miss blake ,cole want to see you" i looked at cole manger and followed her when i came to hjs office i see to men staring at me ,i slowly walk in to see cole,tora and i guess his son with him "Miss blake now on you gonna be modeling not just only last class people but first class" he seem nervous "okay mr cole" tora had a smirk on his face as he never took his off of cole and his sin eyes where amazing just like his dad but still he need to learn not to stare so much cause it kinda freaking me out

"well tora what do you think of this outfit" i said to tora as he was staring at something"i think it look great qhat do you say zayn" zayn looked up "can you make me looker my like a man"i hold in my laughed and shooked my head i tolk out a suit i put together ,i grab a comb and some gel this boy heir was very long it was so pretty i looked up at tora and to say all their hair was long his hair was put into a half messy pony tell it made him look good "cosa stai guardando, bella stella?"[what are you looking at beauitful star] I looked at him i dont know what this man said to me but it made me feel so warm "huh" i said "nothing i was asking if you was done" i shaked my head yes i feel like he didnt say that but i dont know

After shoot and everthing is done

"So what if i take you out to eat " i looked at him i bit my lip,all the fogg here was causing my clothes to be wet "okay but later i have to do things at home first" i said to him "take your time bella stella" i looked at him "what does that mean" he looked at me and smirk "you will find out soon" he picked out zayn and walk to his car i begin to walk the other way


"1 2 3 pose for the camera, your regin will end soon Mr Roman "
Take picture

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