"And who might you be?" The receptionist had an uninterested look on his face.

"Serpentine Wanderer."


The receptionist had dropped his dagger as it clanged onto the floor. "You're serious?"

Yuki shrugged as a reply. "Yes. I'm serious. Do I look like the other serpentine wanderer?"

"U-Umm. Ahem. Yes of course." The man sat up after Yuki's confirmation. "But why would someone like you walk into such a death trap? Especially with that bounty on your head." He had a perplexed expression on his face.

"That's where I come in." W inserted herself back into the conversation. "Do you perhaps have any info on who put the bounty up?"

"I'm sorry but I can't disclose such information." The receptionist replied. "I think you of all people should know this."

W slumped down as she let out an exasperated sigh. "Eh, should have seen this one coming."

"Look if that's everything, I suggest you leave before you get found." The receptionist went back to fiddling with a different dagger that he grabbed from underneath the desk.

"Alright everyone. Let's go. There's no reason to be here anymore." W turned around as if she was about to leave before glancing at Yuki with a smile on her face.

"What? We walked here for so long and we're just gonna leave?" Susie complained.

"Yeah. I think you really should have thought that one through." Quercus nodded her head.

Yuki, noticing W's glance let out a sigh before speaking to the receptionist again. "Every man has a price. Just name it."

The receptionist raised an eyebrow to this. "Bribery aint gonna get you anywhere."

"Yuki, what are you doing!?" Quercus whisper shouted to Yuki.

"How about I pay for my own bounty?" Yuki offered. "You and only you get the money and I lose the bounty on my head. It's a win win situation here."

"Nuh uh. Not happening. That's the equivalent of throwing my life away."

"How much is my Bounty?"

"Four Million LMD."

"With four million, you can easily hire a few mercs to protect you if they were to go after you after taking down the bounty." Yuki reasoned.

"That's assuming they won't betray me."

"There are many people who have taken down these types of bounties with little to no problem. Why is it a problem now?" Yuki leaned onto the counter, getting closer to the receptionist's face. "Tell me?"

"It was an anonymous letter." The receptionist finally relented.

"Go on?"

"All it told us was to put a bounty on your head." The receptionist pulled out an envelope.

Yuki takes the envelope and opens, it. Obviously, it was empty, but the receptionist promptly pulls out another envelope and holds it out in front of Yuki. 

"And you listened to the anonymous letter?"

Ignoring Yuki's question, the receptionist said. "This also came with the letter. But we were told not to open this until the desired person came along for the bounty."

"And this said desired person was me?" Yuki took the letter and promptly opens it.

"What's in there?" Susie peeks over Yuki's shoulder to see the contents of the letter.

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