10. Punishment

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Queen Mother Diana slammed her heavy wand on the ground startling everyone on the court.

All the angels who had been verbally fighting each other, throwing accusations at one another instantly became quiet.

They lowered their head, knowing that they had angered the queen.

Diana ran her eyes through the court. Other than the young angel inside the cage, the rest of them were hanging their heads low in shame. The young angel however looked relaxed and calm. It was as if he had been enjoying the show.

She sighed to herself. The kid was too naughty.

"Angel Levi, Angel Rosh and Angel Claire stay here. Rest of you, get out!" She commanded.

Murmurs of disagreement arose from the elders of the court. They didn't want to leave until Nathan was punished.

"Do I have to repeat myself?" Diana said in a low voice.

The angels shook their heads feeling terrified and left the court immediately.

Claire had a smug look on her face. She was happy to see the elders being kicked out of the court.

Once all the elders were out, the enunch closed the door and left.

"Do you know why I asked only you three to stay back?" Diana asked.

"Answering to Your Majesty, we have no idea," Levi said on behalf of the trio.

"Why don't you all take a good look at Angel Nathan for me?" Diana suggested.

The three angels turned to take a closer look at Nathan who was inside the lightning cage.

A gasp escaped their lips as they saw the faint layer of glow that was surrounding Nathan.

Claire teared up realising what was going on. Her baby boy...there was no way she could save him now...

"Judging from your reaction, I can say that you have already realised the only crime your son did was not break the rules of our kingdom, Angel Claire" Diana eyed her once-beloved daughter.

Claire immediately got on her knees "Please, Queen Mother, my son, Nathan is ignorant. He would never disrespect the angel rays purposefully."

Nathan was confused. 'What is going on? Why did Mom suddenly get on her knees? Why is she crying all of a sudden?'

"Like mother, like son! Both of you are a disgrace" Diana scoffed.

"Your majesty, I am sure that there is some mistake. My Nathan is not someone like that!" Claire sobbed.

"Let's just ask your beloved son if it is a mistake or not." Diana sneered. " Tell me, Angel Nathan, when you went to the human world, did you get intimate with any human there?"

Nathan's eyes widened. He was getting flashbacks about the night he had spent with the human. He had indeed gotten intimate with a human. It was all the fault of that drink that all humans there were drinking.

Seeing Nathan remaining quiet, Diana continued "Do you know by doing that you have bound your soul to the human's soul?"

Nathan looked up in utter shock. For angels, bounding their souls was equal to getting married. Once two souls are bound, they cannot be separated.

"Not only did you get your soul bounded to a mere human, but also is carrying his seed within you!" Diana roared.

Nathan caressed his flat belly. He couldn't believe that he was carrying another life within him.

Angels normally didn't have genders. They may be born as male or female but their body function changes after soul bonding according to their partner.

Nathan being pregnant meant that he was the submissive one in the partnership while the human was the dominant one, the one who was supposed to take care of him.

"Do you admit to your crime?" Diana asked in her majestic voice.

Nathan was helpless. The maternal feeling blooming inside him was making him weak. He tightly hugged his belly "Yes, your majesty" he muttered.

"Then, let's decide on your punishments." Diana looked at Nathan in satisfaction. "Before announcing the punishment, I am going to remove the baby from your womb"

Nathan looked at Diana in shock.

"Don't worry. The baby will be nurtured alongside every pure angel foetus in the nursery. The child will be returned to you once you finish your punishment." Diana added seeing the question in Nathan's eyes.

Nathan could only nod. Having to take punishment with the baby in his belly might harm the baby. If the baby is nurtured in the angel nursery, the baby will be born in a better condition.

"ueuywgydugafwf" Diana chanted and the lightning cage disappeared.

"hghefaoguergtugg" She changed again. 

A golden glow engulfed Nathan and rose him to the sky. The golden glow got concentrated around his lower belly, retrieving the foetus from it.

The foetus was transferred to a transparent jar-like structure that contained a liquid similar to amniotic fluid that would help the foetus develop into a baby.

The jar was then transported into the angel nursery.

If humans were to see it, they would have called it a system for creating 'test tube' babies.

Nathan fell to the ground weakly, once the foetus was taken out of him and fainted.

Claire ran up to catch him on time.

"Take him to rest. He must be exhausted." Diana commanded. "We can decide on the punishment later on when he wakes up. You all are dismissed now!"

She sighed heavily as she watched everyone leave. It was not that she had never known about the conspiracy of the elders to keep Nathan from getting any opportunity to go out and explore the world. But she chose to turn a blind eye to that because she, herself didn't want him to leave Angel's land.

Nathan was the successor she wanted to groom. He had all the qualities to take her position in case a war broke out and she passed away. She never announced this matter to anyone because she didn't want Nathan to be targeted by others.

Little did she imagine that Nathan was more powerful than she expected him to be and break every single restriction she made to protect her kingdom and go out.

Not only that he even managed to form a soul bond with someone who is not an angel without any obstacles. This made Diana aware of the need to re-evaluate her successor.


"Mom, Nat is going to be fine." Ethan tried to calm his mother down.

"How is he going to be fine, Han?" Claire frowned looking at the sleeping Nathan. "He conceived the baby of a human. His soul is bound to a human soul. Do you know how much of a taboo it is? It is a bigger crime than anything else he did."

Ethan knew what had happened. He too was stressed about the situation. He had no idea what kind of punishment his little brother would receive as this was the first time something like this was happening.

"Mom, I have looked into the human soul he got bound with. That soul is a pure one, with a lot of merits accumulated to it."

"But the soul has only had his first life. He has more reincarnations to make. How are we supposed to bring him to the Angel's land in such a case?" Claire was crying at the point.

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