3. Heel RollYnch vs Heel Dean

Start from the beginning

"It does not matter when she broke our friendship even when she told she won't just because she wants to join the Goody Two Shoes Gang which she laughed at earlier," said Seth bitterly.

"Don't know why she changed from last 2-3 months," said Roman, "Till then she was in touch with us even though she was yet to enter main roster."

"I still remember her loud evil laugh from that day," smiled Seth.

"You remember her loud evil laugh but not her bracelet hit on my face which got me a bruise," chuckled Dean.

"Because you were not my friend then. Simple," shrugged Seth smiling.

"She even justified cheating with that statement and now she lectures a lot and whines so much when anyone cheats," said Roman.

"Diva Slayer's targets were not limited to only Divas. Same for Terror Queen's targets were not limited to Divas. Both women would target anyone who were against them, Seth or any of their male friends. I became Diva Slayer's target when I started feuding with Seth," said Dean.


Becky would help Seth in troubling and beating up Dean or anyone else against him. Charlotte would join them many times. One day 

Incident 3:

One day, Seth and Becky were talking in catering while having breakfast.

"This Dean is a tough rival unlike others," said Seth.

"He got me banned from your matches. We should teach him a lesson for that," said Becky.

"Is it one of your Diva Slayer torture method?" asked Seth curiously.

"Obviously," smiled Becky telling him the plan making him smile too.

Later that day after lunch, Seth came face to face with Dean backstage.

"You look upset because I got your devil friend banned from ringside for my matches," mocked Dean.

"Its you will be upset now," mocked Seth back and punched him.

Dean punched him back. They both started fighting. Becky was hiding with a chair. When Seth got Dean busy in fighting him, he signalled Becky who quickly came behind Dean and knocked him twice with the chair from behind. Dean fell down and was shocked to see it was Becky who hit him twice with the chair. Before he could react he saw Seth preparing him for Pedigree with Becky keeping the chair down where Dean's head will land. Seth gives him Pedigree pn the chair knocking him out completely as he and Becky smirks. Becky removed a handcuff from her backpack and gave it to Seth. Seth placed his each wrists in the metal cuffs in front of him. He and Becky then took him away in Seth's car.

Dean opened his eyes and is shocked to find himself in a wooden cage in a forest with his hands was shocked to see his hands restrained in a handcuff in front of him. He could move his hands since the metal chain attached to the cuffs was a foot longer. He looks around to see no one and the cell is locked.

"Where the hell I am?" shouted Dean.

"You are in our hell, buddy," came a familiar voice.

Dean looked forward to see Seth and Becky outside the cage smirking and then laughing at him.

"Why you brought me here?" asked Dean.

"You did not do right by complaining to the officials and getting me banned from ringside for your matches," replied Becky, "So we are making you pay for it."

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