He wrote some stuff down on his notepad.

"Are you sure it was all playful? Because the push caused you a lot of damage..." the other officer asked.

"I don't think she would ever hurt me on purpose." I stated.

"Hmm.. okay." The officer said.

"Okay, What is her name?" Officer Ronald asked.

"Megan Pete.." I told him.

"Age?" The officer asked.

After reconsidering, I realize that Megan is below the legal drinking age and it would be inappropriate for her to consume alcohol. If I inform the officer of her true age, she might face consequences for underage drinking, which is something I do not wish upon her. However, I am no longer concerned about her actions and believe that I should simply be truthful; whatever the outcome, Megan will bear the responsibility.

"She's um....18..." I mumbled.

The officer looked up at me. "18?"

"Yes." I stated. "Is she gonna get in some type of trouble for any of this?"

"Although underage drinking is against the rules, the consequences would not be severe, as she may receive a fine ranging from 200 to 300 dollars." He explained.

"Okay." I said.

"This next question is gonna be up to you. Do you want to press charges on her?" Officer Ronald asked.

Shawn walked over. "Yes! Absolutely."

I looked at Shawn and frowned. "No.. I'm not pressing charges on her. I'm upset about the whole situation but I'm not gonna do that."

Shawn smacked his lips. "Fuck her. She killed our babies!"

"Shawn, are you serious?" I eyed him.

"Excuse me, but the decision lies with her, not you. Therefore, I request that you calm down, return to your place, and enjoy your noodles." The other officer stated.

"Bullshit man." Shawn mumbled.

"I don't wanna press charges." I told the officers.

"Ok, we're done here. I appreciate your time and I hope everything goes well for you and Mr. grumpy." The officer said and chuckled.

I laughed. "Thank you! Goodbye!" I said and closed the door behind them.

Shawn walked up to me and eyed me. "What the fuck, Bey?"

"I refuse to press charges. That's final, now move I'm going back upstairs." I stated.

"Why? She caused all of this." Shawn stepped in front of me.

"She didn't know.." I started getting tears in my eyes.

"Man that don't matter, we could get paid if you press charges." Shawn said.

I'm becoming increasingly annoyed with him as I'm already dealing with a lot of stress. "Right now, you're prioritizing money and my babies are now gone....Seriously?"

"Our babies you mean." Shawn stated.

"Just get out of my face, Shawn." I began crying.

"No. That was dumb Beyoncé...I'm gonna find a way to press charges on her." Shawn said.

"Pay attention to what you're saying. I am currently overwhelmed with tears, and yet you're still focused on seeking legal action against a girl who had no knowledge of my pregnancy and made a mistake by pushing me. Shawn, I am extremely angry with her. However, I refuse to become heartless and disregard her youth and future. I won't allow this significant loss to change me in that manner. Stop being so goddamn ignorant before I take this ring off and throw it in the fuckin' trash." I stated.

"I-I... you're ri-"

I put my hand up. "Save it."

Feeling a sense of disheartenment and confusion, I made my way back upstairs to my bedroom. It was a perplexing moment for me as I struggled to comprehend what might be troubling Shawn at this very moment, for his behavior seemed far from consistent with the person I had always believed him to be.

It appeared as though he carried an unexplainable animosity towards Megan.

In my vulnerability and longing for emotional solace, all I desired was the warm touch and affectionate love that only Shawn could provide.

Alongside that, I yearned for some much-needed reassurance in these trying times. Yet, disappointingly, Shawn seemed hesitant to offer me these gestures of affection and support, simply because I chose not to press charges against Megan.

Shawn came upstairs. "Bey... I'm sorry."

He positioned himself on the bed and moved nearer to me, placing his arm around me from behind. He gave me a gentle kiss and expressed his love towards me.

"It's okay. Just please, try not to behave in that manner. I have never seen you act like this before, and it pains me to witness it. We have experienced the loss of our babies, and it seems like your only focus is on seeking revenge and acquiring money, but that is not the true essence of this situation. Perhaps God allowed this to occur for a purpose, maybe we were not prepared. I'm uncertain... I simply need comfort at this moment." I told Shawn.

"I completely understand and care about your feelings, baby. I must sincerely acknowledge that I made a foolish mistake during that particular circumstance, and recognizing that is a step towards growth and improvement. Rest assured, regardless of the circumstances, I wholeheartedly assure you that my support and love for you will remain the same forever." Shawn said.

"I like when you talk with that maturity." I chuckled.

Shawn kissed me and held me tight.

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