3rd Anniversary - Chapter 4 - All is Realized

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Ved: Exactly, she always wields a staff with the wood curved to hold the orb, her source of power. However, the one you see there...


CarlosYT: I think I see where you are coming at. So you're saying that SOMEONE ELSE is taking the disguise of Luna and placing the barrier?

Yuka: That only puts one person in question.

Saikana passes by and is called by Yuka.

Yuka: Saikana, was that you placing the barrier?

Saikana: Not at all. I was in the small courtyard with the class I was given.

CarlosYT: Wasn't there some monster in said courtyard?

Saikana: Yes, but it seems some students from Luna's class have properly dealt with the monster.

Iiko sees a fake bookcase with a book turned horizontally.

Iiko: Why is this book facing horizontally?

Saikana gives no reaction.

Saikana does some magic with her hands and forces the bell to be heard.

Iiko: Seems like it's time for dismissal!

CarlosYT: You seven, not you Saikana, Violet, and Yuka. Come to my dorm, we have to talk about something that bothers me.

Rina: Sure, I'm all free for today.

CarlosYT: Everyone on board?

Everyone but Rina and CarlosYT give a nod.

CarlosYT: Nice, let's go there.

Location: Dreams from Afar Magic School - Dorms

Location: Dreams from Afar Magic School - Dorms

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CarlosYT: We're finally here.

Alicia: Your dorm is bigger than ours, how did you get one?

CarlosYT: Honestly, I made a reservation a month before I asked Akaira.

Akaira: How did you even know of the school?

CarlosYT: The same figure I saw defeating my parallel self gave me some recommendation on Bitter.

CarlosYT shows the private message to the group.

CarlosYT: This thing, but the next thing I will say will sound crazy.

CarlosYT: Orthros came to my room to give me a package just last night containing a computer, immune to whatever is going on with the internet here.

CarlosYT opens the computer and pulls up a news article about Dreams from Afar Magic School.

CarlosYT: Here. Two years ago, the school went into an endless winter.

Alicia: And what does it have to do with the problem?

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