3rd Anniversary - Chapter 1 - Trip to a Magic School!

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Contains spoilers for Universal Collision New Dawn!!

Contains spoilers for Universal Collision New Dawn!!

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Location: Sargnia - Yurigawa Academy - Cafeteria

Akaira: So, I wanted to know CarlosYT... how do you have crazy skills?

CarlosYT: Well, It's kind of complicated... but I do want to know... [Pulls up phone, searching for a school] Did you learn more magic while I way away on saving the world and stuff?

Akaira: Oh? I mean, maybe.

CarlosYT: Great, we could go ahead and try on the gym after school.

Akaira: Sure!

Some time later...

Location: Yurigawa Academy - Gym

CarlosYT: [Opens the door] Alright, let's see what you have learned while I was-

CarlosYT: Huh? What is some gray bovine standing...

CarlosYT: I'm sorry, you're not supposed to be here. We don't-

Akaira: [Pulls out wand] Magi Shot♪!

CarlosYT: Nothing?!

???: Ah, I may be a butler, but a master I once served has left for a place I cannot reach.

The bovine butler vanishes.

Akaira: What just happened?

CarlosYT: That was weird... Anyways, Let's see what you know.

Akaira: Here goes!

Akaira proceeds to attack with Magi Shot♪, Thrundraga, and Magica Dwight! in a repeating pattern.

CarlosYT: I think you need some more training. Like a lot more...

CarlosYT: But thankfully, I think a magic school caught my attention aside Magia Academy.

Akaira: That is?

CarlosYT: Dreams from Afar Magic Castle! Another magic school better than Magia Academy! Although you need four or more people to apply a group entrance.

Akaira: Group entrance?

CarlosYT: Yup! You need to make a group of four or more people to enter the school...

Akaira: Let's call the rest of my DJ Unit mates to help us!

CarlosYT: Good idea.

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