2nd Anniversary - Chapter 5.2 - 2nd Anniversary!

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Original Release: 2/25/2023
Fix: Changed "OVERWHELM!" with the "OVERWHELM!" of the Maihime album

Original Release: 2/25/2023Fix: Changed "OVERWHELM!" with the "OVERWHELM!" of the Maihime album

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Location: 2nd Anniversary Stage

CarlosYT: Oh, y'all came, amazing!

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CarlosYT: Oh, y'all came, amazing!

Renri: They were there since the portal. All of them came of course.

Creator: I just need to tell you six, and those on the other side...

Creator: Thank you for changing my heart.

Kaito: So, will you tell us any big things?

Creator: Well, there's an altar that will be a turning point. I think.

Heidi: And what about the altar?

Creator: You see, this one's a floating one unlike the Hero's Altar.

Michiru: Creator! You're telling them too much!

Creator: And, the rest is undocumented information.

Unrecorded CarlosYT: Let's cut to the song and begin.

Before starting this chapter, this assist team has changed from Round 1 to Round 2
*Team will be carried from Round 2 and now on

Before starting this chapter, this assist team has changed from Round 1 to Round 2*Team will be carried from Round 2 and now on

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