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[Name] found themselves absently adjusting their outfit in front of the full-length mirror, their eyes drifting to the preserved nametag resting on their desk. It was a reminder of a promise they'd made to Okazaki's mother and the others, one they intended to fulfill. But time was running out, and with the training camp alongside Maki looming ahead, this was their last chance to prepare on a Sunday.

"I hope this looks decent," [Name] mumbled, their fingers working on the finishing touches of their bag. Just then, their phone buzzed, and they picked it up to read a message from Ijichi, informing them that he was on his way to pick them up at Jujustu Tech.

[Name] promptly replied to Ijichi's message before tucking their phone away. Just as they were about to prepare for their departure, a distinct knock echoed through the room. They paused, curiosity piqued by the unexpected visitor. Placing their bag on the chair in front of the desk, they made their way to the door.

With a quick turn of the handle, the door swung open, revealing Fushiguro's gaze, and [Name] let out an unintentional wheeze, flustered by the encounter. Their thoughts swirled with the astounding number of attractive individuals they'd encountered, and they couldn't help but wonder if the upcoming Kyoto event would introduce even more. They don't think they could survive to be honest.

"Uh, Fushiguro, what brings you here?" [Name] inquired, clearing their throat to regain composure after the flustered reaction to his arrival.

"How are you feeling?" His response left [Name] pondering. Was he evading their initial question, or did his inquiring gaze stem from genuine concern? The look on his face led [Name] to lean towards the latter interpretation.

[Name] emitted a soft hum, appearing contemplative as their gaze briefly lowered to their shoes. They then looked up at Fushiguro, a hesitant smile gracing their lips. "I just need some time, you know."

In response, Fushiguro offered a subtle nod. "I understand."

[Name] couldn't help but feel somewhat inconsiderate as they realized that Fushiguro's words were sincere. He had been a jujutsu sorcerer for much longer than they had and had undoubtedly experienced this kind of loss repeatedly. He and Gojo, whom they contemplated seeking advice from, were the ones who truly understood the depth of their grief. Both of them must have lost someone long ago in this line of work.

"It does get easier with time," Fushiguro softly confessed, his sigh carrying the weight of his experience. "People say that time heals all wounds, but in reality, it merely helps you come to terms with it. You never truly get over it."

As Fushiguro and [Name] stood in the doorway, the air seemed to thicken with unspoken emotions. The weight of their shared grief hung heavily between them. [Name] appreciated Fushiguro's attempt to console them, and it brought some relief to their aching heart. It had been a long time since they'd had to mourn a close friend, and the pain felt all too familiar.

They couldn't help but reflect on their past, the scars from losing Rika still fresh in their memory even if she is still 'alive'. As they observed Fushiguro's understanding gaze, they felt a connection – a bond formed in the crucible of loss. [Name] was grateful for the presence of Kugisaki, Fushiguro, and Itadori in their life, as these three had unknowingly breathed new life into their capacity to make friends.

With a heavy sigh, [Name] confessed, "It's been a while since I've had to go through this, you know? Losing someone so dear. After Rika... I've been cautious about forming close bonds. The only friend I had was Yuuta. But Kugisaki, you, and Itadori – you three are different. I've come to see you as friends."

Fushiguro nodded in understanding, his somber expression briefly tinged with curiosity as [Name] mentioned Rika. He remembered some vague chattering from the curse about them, but Rika never said their name. It always seemed to be a closely guarded secret and he doesn't bother asking. Yuuta had mentioned this other childhood friend before, but their past was veiled in mystery. Fushiguro could appreciate Yuuta's need to protect [Name] and keep their involvement in the jujutsu world under wraps. "I know it's never easy," he continued, "and you don't have to go through this alone, [Name]. We're here for you, and even Gojo-sensei." As he brought up their teacher, Fushiguro's face showed a subtle flash of annoyance, prompting a light, amused giggle to escape from [Name]'s lips.

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