The State Farm Arena.

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     Yawning, I park my bike in the back of the arena, 6 AM is WAY to early to be anywhere. I walk through the back entrance flashing an ID card that Taylor gave me the day before to the guards, strolling through a series of long hallways I reach my destination, the field. Most of the field is lined with chairs, in the other endzone, lies A giant platform that extends out bending at an angle and then once more to form a diamond like shape in the middle, the platform then extends further into a 'T' like shape at the end, on the rims of the stage lies giant lights hanging, behind the stage is another large platform with two massive screens, marching through the rows and rows of chairs I finally reach the stage seeing Taylor off to the side.

    "Taylor!" I yell, getting her attention and the attention of the man standing next to her, she waves me over.

    "Hey Y/N" She squeaks out, red faced and looking down.

    "Hey" A blush of my own forming on my face.

flashback, last night.

    "fuck me" I whisper, running my hand along my face, not bothering putting on a shirt or slip on a pair of shoes, I open my door as I walk to the ice machine down the hall. I walk into the small cubby at the end of the hall dedicated to the machine, bumping into someone falling down on top of them, My arm extends out in front of me as I catch myself before completely falling down.

    "Owowowowow" A familiar voice cries out, looking down at who I ran into, I spot the singer rubbing her head, she looks up to see me, I look of recognition flashing through her eye.

    "Oh hey Y/N." 

     "Are you okay" I ask.

     "I am, just hurt a little." Taylor gets quieter and quieter as she looks around, looking down to see what she has been looking at, my knee is in between both of her legs meeting her crotch in the middle, My other hand, which I have failed to keep track of is holding her chest, I very quickly try and get off of her, in my hurry I accidentally shoved my knee a little further into her flower.

     "Mhm" She lets out a quiet moan, realizing what happened her eyes shoot open, quickly standing up she runs to her room, slamming her door. She left her phone on the floor.

knock knock

     Peaking through a small sliver in the door I can see her eye and a crimson tint under it.

    "You left your phone on the ground over there." Holding it up so she can see it, she closes the door messes with the lock and then reopens the door.

    "Thank you." She manages to squeak out, looking her down again her eyes flash with surprise as her blush deepens, looking down I spot my hard-on clear as day outlined through my shorts, quickly throwing my hand down to cover it. 

     "Uh sorry, goodnight!" As I go over to my own room, quickly unlocking the door and closing it, walking over to pour myself a glass of water to cool my head only to realize that I didn't get any ice.

flashback over

    "Y/N, this is Richard, He is the sound expert with us." looking over to spot the older gentlemen, he is wearing a plaid collared button up along with blue jeans, reaching my hand to meet his, he nods his head as a hello, I nod back.

     "Do you have your setlist?" Richard asks.

     "I do" I respond back handing him the USB stick with all of the tracks.

    "Okay cool, I am gonna go up and plug this in and we can start a sound check and get his mic set up." He says walking off.

     "Did you have something to eat?" Taylor asks from my side.

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