Matchday Leicester

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53' The second half has been pretty boring. We did have some changes but most of them go wide or been blocked by a defender.

67' Nevin has made it her mission to annoy me, again. I got the ball from Little and wanted to turn around but while doing that I felt an elbow hit my nose. Fucking hell you've got to be kidding me. I fell down in pain 'Get up' Nevin says annoyed, ignore her, ignore her, don't let her in your head. The ref signed the medics to come over, they checked and cleaned my nose before I was cleared to continue, still no second yellow for Nevin.
I stand up and take a last sip of the water, I am walking away when Courtney says 'If I was your dad I would leave too' No way she said that, this is it. I push her and she dramaticly falls on the ground, drama queen 'You keep you fucking mouth shut, you don't know a single thing about me' I tell her pointing my indexfinger at her. Nevin stands up 'Or what huh?' She pushes me 'I tell Kyra what happend that night' I say smiling while I push her 'You fucking asshole' she shouts before things go from bad to worse the ref blows her whistle and our teammates break us apart, again. Leah grabs my face 'y/n, y/n/n, look at me' Leah says, I look at her, I look into her beautiful blue eyes and my anger disappears instantly. Both me and Courtney have gotten a yellow cards, why do I get a yellow? which means Courtney needs to leave the pitch. I go to protest against the referee 'Come on ref, why do I get a yellow?' I ask in disbelieve 'Because you pushed her' She explains 'Because she tackled me for the hunderd time this match and you clearly can't see that' I say angry 'Walk away or you get another' She warns me 'Come on y/n' Viv says 'Fucking bullshit referee desicions, go suck a dick or something' I huff a bit to loud 'Sorry y/l/n, what was that?' The referee turnsaround, shit shit, this referee doesn't like to be talked bad about her or her decisions and she has given me a warning as well.
'Nothing ref' I say quickly 'Luckily I heard what you said' and she shows me another yellow, yes great, exactly what I needed. The team is protesting but I let it go and walk off the pitch in defeat. Fuck why did I let her get under my skin, now I have let my team down. Jonas patts my back 'It wasn't your fault, sit on the bench' I give him a forced smile and go sit on the bench after putting on a subjacket. I can't stop feeling guilty for letting the team down, maybe I did deserve it?

86' Steph Catley scores the 3-0, the assist is from Beth mead. It was a good team goal, all the way build up from the goal kick.

We win 3-0 but it doesn't feel like a win for me. I walk inside as fast as I can after our victory lap, not even signing stuff from the fans. I can't bring myself to fake smile anymore, I enter the changing room and kick an empty bottle and hit my locker with the palm off my hand 'FUCK!' I yell sitting down and placing my head in my hands, my hand burns from pain.
Not long after I feel someone place their hand on my knee and croaching down in front of me but I can't bring myself to look up. 'Hey' Leah says softly, I don't respond 'It's not your fault, I know you feel like you let the team down but you didn't okey? You scored an amazing goal' I slowly look up, Leah has a small smile on her face. 'But I let the team down, Jonas told us not to let them into our heads and I did exactly that' I give her sad eyes, Leah just embraces me into a hug. We sit like this for a while before Leah pulls away, 'So as you know, we have the day off tomorrow and the day after that, do you have plans?' Leah asks nervous 'No but I kinda assumed we would spent the day together' I giggle and scratch the back off my neck suddenly also being nervous 'Well I was going to visit my parents and I was kinda wondering only if you would like to and want to come with me?' Leah looks down at the ground. What? I am going to meet her parents, well shit, thats a new level. I put my indexfinger under Leah her chin and lift her head 'Leah, I would love to come with you' I kiss her but before it can get heated the rest off the team enter the room and we jump apart.
Fuck, I am going to meet Leah her parents. I know how important family is to her, I better not fuck this up.

Leah sits next to me on the bus back, I have put my arm around her and her head in resting on my shoulder. 'What did Nevin say to you?' She asks carefull 'That if she was my dad she would have left too' I say looking out the window 'That's bullshit' Leah says angry 'I know Le, I just didn't expect her to say it thats why it got me' I explain 'How did she know about it anyway?' Leah asks curious 'We used to be good friends..' I say chuckling at the memories 'So what happend?' 'I- We uhh.. I shared a night with her while she was in a relationship' I say softly, Leah sits up straight 'No you didn't!?' She almosts shouts in disbelieve 'Leah please be quiet' I tell her 'Sorry but with who did she have a relationship?' She asks curious, gosh why does she want to know everything, I really was hoping to leave this all behind. 'Y/n/n?' She asks again when I don't answer, I swallow and take a deep breath 'Kyra..' I sign 'Wow y/n' Leah says dissapointed 'I know alright, she made the first move and I didn't care about anyones feelings at that time' I try to make it sound better 'Does she know?' Leah asks looking at Kyra who is laughing with Less and Vic 'No, we promised to never talk about it' I explain 'You better keep it like that' Leah says to me stern 'I promise' I quickly kiss her cheek and Leah lays her head back on my shoulder.

'Am I still allowed to come tomorrow?' I ask when I drop Leah at hers 'Let me think' She says pretending to be thinking hard 'Ofcourse silly' she says, I pretend to be extremly relieved but I was a bit 'See you tomorrow then' I say smiling 'See ya' She replies and giving me a kiss before leaving my car, I wait until she is safely inside before driving away.

A/N: Bit boring chapter maybe, Sorry! But next chapter will be meeting the parents!!

What do you think the score will be tomorrow, England vs The Netherlands? I hope England win because then they still have change for the olympic in 2024.

Those Blue EyesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ