Chapter Seventeen

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          𝑾𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒂 𝒏𝒆𝒘𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 sense of purpose, and after a few more talks and clever words from Rue, Newt chooses to accept Alby's offer.

And as the days unfold, she can't help but observe the transformation taking place within her close friend. It's evident that an optimistic shift is underway, and it leaves an indelible mark on their daily life in the Glade.

He has moved into his own room upstairs in the Homestead, leaving Rue without the comforting presence of her two best friends by her hammock. Their absence is a noticeable void in her morning routine.

But, the sacrifice of their shared space was a small price to pay. 

Her heart swells with pride as she watches her best friend wholeheartedly embrace his newfound leadership role. His actions and demeanor reflect unwavering commitment.

Every morning, he greets her with that smile that seems born anew. His change is nothing short of amazing. The mantle of leadership seems to sit comfortably on his shoulders, and Rue can't help but admire the newfound radiance that graces his features.

While their living spaces might have changed, their enduring friendship remains steadfast. She knows that her two best friends are still by her side, even though their beds are now on opposite sides of the Glade.

The girl continues to fulfill her own duties, contributing her skills and dedication to the welfare of the Glade. Her role as a runner may have been temporarily paused, but her spirit remains resolute.

The days continue to pass, each one a step closer to the next supply day. And as the sun sets on each day, she finds solace in the bonds she has forged, in the knowledge that she remains an integral part of this unique community.

In the present, the sun hangs low in the sky, casting a warm, golden hue over the Glade. It's another day of hard work and anticipation, as the Gladers go about their duties. The community is abuzz with activity, each member playing their part to ensure their survival.

Once again, Rue finds herself in the Gardens, her hands gently tending to the soil as she plants the latest batch of crops. Her fingers move with precision, hands covered in the rich, fertile soil as she pats the earth around the young sprouts.

As she continues her work, she glances over to where Alby and Newt are standing, observing the Gladers as they go about their daily duties. Alby is discussing something with the boy, who's listening intently, one hand rubbing his chin in thought.

The mutual understanding between the two is evident, and the weight of leadership responsibilities is visibly shared.

The warm breeze rustles the leaves in the Gardens, and a small, contented smile lingers on her lips as she watches the pair. She wipes the sweat from her brow, the heat of the sun still clinging to her skin. Newt can now move about without the support of his crutches, though a slight limp still haunts his gait.

The Keeper of the track hoes, a man of few words, approaches her as she works. "Good having you on the team, Runner," he remarks, his voice carrying a touch of genuine appreciation.

Rue can't help but smirk at his comment, shaking her head slightly while focusing her attention back on the task at hand. "Not for long, Zart," she replies with a playful glint in her eye, "but I'll enjoy it while it lasts. Believe it or not, it's actually a nice change of pace."

Zart lets out a low chuckle at that, his sunburnt face breaking into a rare smile. "Change can be a good thing, Rue. Keeps ya sharp."

She nods once, offering him another smile as she squints up at the boy. In her mind, she can't help but feel the complete opposite -- how is tending to crops going to make her mind sharper? If anything, it's making her unwind.

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