Chapter Sixteen

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          𝑹𝒂𝒊𝒏 𝒑𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔 outside the Med Hut, a constant rhythm that provides a soothing backdrop to the conversation taking place within.

Rue sits on one of the cots, her gaze fixed on the blond med-jack. A week has passed since the bonfire, and her injuries have healed — or, at least, so she believes. She's keen on returning to her role among the runners, but Clint's expression suggests the opposite.

"You've got to let me go," Rue pleads, her voice earnest but laced with frustration. Her body feels almost fine now, and she's itching to get back to the maze, to the purpose of running.

Clint's eyebrows furrow as he stands before her, his arms crossed. One thing about him is he takes his job as Keeper very seriously. "You know the rules. Can't go back out there until you're given the green light from the med-jacks," he replies, his voice calm but resolute. "And as for now, your light is very red."

"I feel fine," Rue groans, leaning forward as she sits on the edge of the bed. "I'm ready to get back out there. We can't afford to have fewer runners."

Clint's gaze remains fixed on her, his expression unwavering. "I understand that, Rue, but we can't afford to risk our runners either. It's protocol. They'll manage without you for a little while longer."

She sighs, frustration and disappointment evident in her loud grumble of disappointment. She knows that rules are rules in the Glade, but it's hard to accept when she's so eager to contribute. Raindrops slide down the windowpane, mirroring her inner turmoil.

"It's not just about healing physically," he reminds her, "it's about being in the best possible shape to face the challenges out there. Your shape could slow down the entire group."

Rue knows she can't push the issue further. She sits back, accepting Clint's final decision, even when it feels like a personal setback. 

"Okay," she concedes with a sigh, her voice now tinged with resignation.

The blond boy's expression softens, recognizing the maturity in her response. He takes a step closer and places a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "We need you at your best out there, and I have no doubt you'll be right back on the team as soon as you're fully recovered."

Rue nods, appreciating his commitment to their safety and his willingness to make difficult decisions. She may have to be patient, but her determination to return to the maze remains unwavering.

She watches as Clint moves to continue his duties, the rain outside offering a sense of calm that tempers her disappointment.

And her mind wanders.

The fifth. She had been the fifth person to arrive in the Glade, mere months after Nick. In those early days, the Glade has been a burgeoning community, a realm of potential.

Roles and responsibilities had gradually taken shape as more boys arrived. They learned the routines that would come to shape them.

It was in this nascent stage that the idea of the runners came to life. This essential group, destined to navigate the dangerous maze, would become the lifeblood of hope in the Glade. 

And it was here, amid the tangible sense of purpose and the unrelenting spirit of survival, that Rue found her calling.

With determination and relentless resilience, she embraced the prospect of becoming one of the pioneers of the running team. She was drawn to the challenge, the adrenaline-pumping thrill of dashing through the shifting labyrinth, the rush of discovery, and the unity forged in the face of danger.

And it turned out, she was good at running.

As the first established running team had come into being, the Gladers felt a renewed sense of purpose. Rue, with a heart brimming with courage, was an indispensable part of this fledgling group that would later evolve into a vital cornerstone of their community.

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