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All characters and descriptions (minus Ivy) belong to Rockstar Games.

Ivy Morgan

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Ivy Morgan

12 years younger than her brother, Arthur Morgan, Ivy was raised by Dutch, Hosea, and Arthur. She is witty, sarcastic, bubbly and a bit of a kleptomaniac. She learns fast and is always excited to welcome new members into the gang. She doesn't like to dress like a girl, chooses jeans over skirt and can hold her own when it comes to shooting, drinking, and fighting. She grows up in the gang, close friends and eventually falls in love with John Marston.

Dutch Van Der Linde

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Dutch Van Der Linde

"The leader of a sizeable gang of outlaws and misfits. Idealistic, anarchic, charismatic, well-read, well-lived, but possibly starting to unravel under the pressures of the encroaching modern world."

Hosea Matthews

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Hosea Matthews

A master con artist, gentleman and thief, Hosea has been Dutch's closest friend and right‐hand man for over 20 years. Intelligent and quick‐witted, he can talk his way into, or out of, just about anything.

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