Chapter II

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Chapter II: Crossing the Line

Anma's newfound thirst for power left a bitter taste in her mouth. She could feel her conscience slipping away, replaced instead by a cold, calculating mindset. It wasn't enough to simply catch criminals - she needed them broken before she let them go.

This new approach earned Anma plenty of enemies, both inside and outside the police department. But she didn't care. In fact, she reveled in their hatred, seeing it as a sign of her growing influence.

One night, while patrolling the streets alone, Anma stumbled upon a group of teenagers causing trouble. They were vandalizing a nearby storefront, laughing and taunting each other. Anma approached them, her voice stern.

"What are you doing here?" she demanded, her eyes fixed firmly on the ring leader of the pack.

The boy sneered back, challenging her authority. "None of your business."

Anma's temper flared. She grabbed him roughly by the collar, shoving him against the wall. "I said, what are you doing here?"

The boy struggled, trying to break free. Anma tightened her grip, her fingers digging into his skin. Suddenly, something inside her clicked. This was too easy, too simple.

She pulled the boy closer still, pressing her lips hungrily against his. His resistance melted away under her touch, and soon he was moaning softly in her ear.

Anma tore herself away, panting heavily. She glanced around nervously, making sure nobody else had witnessed their encounter. Satisfied that she was alone, she returned her focus to the boy.

"Now," she purred, "let's talk about how we can settle this peacefully..."

Over the coming weeks, Anma indulged in similar liaisons, using sex as a means of manipulation. She slept with judges, politicians, anyone whose favor she sought. It was all part of her grand plan for ultimate domination.

But these encounters also served another purpose - they reminded Anma of why she had originally joined the police force. Deep down, she still craved justice, albeit in a twisted form. However, her methods were unsustainably cruel, leaving many innocent people caught in the crossfire.

Anna's colleague, Detective Jameson, noticed the shift in her behavior and confronted her. "Anma, I think you need to step back and reevaluate some things. What you're doing is wrong, plain and simple."

Anma bristled at his words, defensively arguing that she was merely following her instincts. But deep down, she knew he was right. She couldn't continue down this path any longer without destroying herself completely.

Unfortunately, it was already too late. Anma's reputation had preceded her, and her former allies were turning against her. Her past deeds haunted her every move, threatening to pull her further into darkness than ever before...

To be continued.....

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2023 ⏰

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