Ch. 9: Just Don't Kill Me

Start from the beginning

His parents would be so proud.

A knock on the door made Anthony sit straight up. "Come in."

Poking his head in first, Nino's brow was quirked. "I thought I heard something. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Anthony said through gritted teeth. "I'd be better if you'd go home."

Nino walked inside, closing the door behind him. He crossed his arms again, making Anthony wonder where they all learned that from. "Why do you want me to leave so badly? Is there something wrong?"

"It's the opposite," Anthony insisted. "Things were going well until you butted in. I can handle this agreement. I can get along with Knox and his mother better without you antagonizing them. And..."

Thay last thought was meant to stay inside his head, but it almost slipped out and it made Anthony almost burn into a crisp by his blush. Nino stared at him, waiting for Anthony to finish his thought, so he did. Anthony whispered, "I also think I can get to know Knox better if my brother wasn't acting like a 50s chaperone."

Nino's glare deepened. "What does that mean?"

"It means that one day, Knox Lavigne will be my husband and vampires, live a long time so while I'm alive with him, I'd like it to be..." Anthony shrugged a little, unable to grasp the right words because he didn't know them. "Nice and you're not helping."

Nino cocked his head, examining Anthony too closely. "I'm just worried about you."

"I understand, but this... this might be something that I have to do alone. Without the family."

"If you were in trouble, would you tell me?"

"Yes," Anthony lied. This wasn't about Anthony being in trouble. This was about Nino needing protection from the monsters here, about Ben leaving the den of vampires, and saving the Ventura name.

There was a buzzing sound and Nino sighed, holding up a finger to Anthony. He took out his phone, revealing Dante's name on the screen. For the first time in his life, Anthony was relieved to see it. If anyone could talk sense into Nino, it was Dante with vague threats and bribes. Anthony didn't have any of that.

"Nino, come back to the Ventura estate," Someone other than Dante spoke and it took Anthony an extra second to register who was talking. It was Ben.

"Ben?" Nino looked back at the screen, double checking the caller ID. "Why do you have Dante's phone? Where are you?"

"I'm on Dante's plane. He just came to pick me up."

"He what?" Nino's eyes widened.

There was rustling on the other end until Dante spoke, "Ben called me and said you were bothering Anthony. And before you try to blame me for this, it was Ben's idea. We agreed on a truce. Come home, Nino. Anthony has it covered. I've already made the deal secure. It's a good family. Anthony will in no way suffer in their care."

"I don't like it, Dante. I think they're hiding something."

"Anthony can take care of himself."

The phones traded off again. "Nino, will you come home?"

"I'll come home."

"Alright. I love you."

"I love you too, you psychopath."

With that, Ben laughed, and they hung up the phone. Nino shook his head. "Don't ever get involved with a writer. They come up with crazy ideas."

Anthony nodded, feeling impressed. "He really does fit in really well with us, huh? But..." He glanced at Nino. "How did he know this would work?"

"Because he knows I'll always follow him." Nino smiled in the new way he always does now that deeply in love look that Ben has changed his life look.

Anthony helped grab Nino's bags, leading him down the stairs towards the exit. The exit was so close.

"Oh, Nino, I heard you're leaving," Knox said, descending the stairs behind them.

"Who told you that?"

"Ben? Was he not supposed to?"

Nino sighed. He held something back and faced Anthony, bringing him into a tight hug. Anthony didn't fight it. He just held on tightly back.

Nino hung up, but Anthony's phone buzzed. A text from Dante:

Dante: Also, makeup with Mathew.

Anthony rolled his eyes and sent a quick text to his baby brother:

Anthony: One day, karma will get you and I hope I'm the cause.

"I'll see you in a few months," Nino promised. "Call me if you need anything."

"I will," Anthony insisted, pushing him towards the door.

"Knox," Nino said, resting his hand on Anthony's shoulder. "You won't understand it yet, but one day you'll thank Dante for letting Anthony go."

"Quit it." Anthony elbowed him, but Nino dodged out of the way, knowing he'd do it.

"But for now, I still don't trust you. So I'm adding an addition to the deal. Both ends of this bargain will be complete on the day of the wedding."

Knox's brows jumped up his forehead. "You know that will go both ways, right?"

"Right. I'll leave Anthony here, but I want him to be sure on the wedding day."

"That's not necessary," Anthony insisted.

"Alright. I'll agree to your terms," Knox said, offering his hand. They shook on it.

 They shook on it

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