you opened the box to reveal a necklace with the initials 'ksm' on it.

you looked at her with an "are you serious?" face.

she laughed.

"c'mon, put it on!"

she grabbed the necklace from your hands and moved your hair to place it around your neck.

"i actually had this planned ahead of time and picked it up from the store yesterday. perfect timing, right?"

she latched the necklace together and now it was around your neck.

"alright, open mine next."

joowon was laughing.

he'd gotten you reindeer slippers and a christmas-themed bracelet.

"thank you, joowon."

you hugged him.

"hey, where's my hug and thank you?"

nari looked offended.

you hugged and thanked her as well.

"okay, okay. now you go next."

you pointed to nari.

she first opened the one from joowon.

joowon had gotten nari tons of candy, jewelry, and a note.

you looked at him, confused.

he didn't return your gaze, looking at nari.

she picked up the note and read it.

nari looked up at him.

"awe, of course i will!"

she went over and hugged him.

"wait, wait, wait. give me the note!"

you grabbed the note from nari.


you beamed at him.

he looked embarrassed.

"why didn't you tell me?! i could've helped!"

you frowned.

yes, the note says what you think it says.

'nari, will you be my girlfriend?'

"i decided to ask last minute and slipped it inside the gift box..."

he shrugged.

"god, you guys better not turn me into a third wheel."

you sighed.

"okay, open mine next."

you handed your gift to nari.

she quickly unwrapped it.

"i'm wearing this right now!"

nari rushed to throw the trash away and slipped the sweater over her shoulders.

last but not least was joowon.

he unwrapped nari's, receiving an almost exact same bracelet of the one he got her.

you facepalmed, being an extreme third wheel.

she also got him a few extra accessories as well.

then, he opened yours and thanked you.

you were gonna take a picture, but you noticed your hair wasn't exactly cooperating.

"i'm gonna go upstairs and fix my hair. be right back."

masquerade ♣  kim seungminWhere stories live. Discover now