[Vol. 1] chapter 2 - A Letter

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[Vol. 1] Chapter 2 - A Letter

Tw: mention of nausea

The ground instantly stopped contacting the soles of the shoes. The bright lime light above the head was unpleasantly damaging to the lenses of eyes, as soon as eyes opened a couple of millimeters wider. It seems that the attraction of a foreign elevator has deprived the body of weight, as if in weightlessness. The orange building with a crowd of desperate people only decreased in size, as if hinting that this place would never be seen again, let alone returned. The gravity carried away even small patches of earth and air, which would already be vitally needed in the future. The best friends of the travelers saw only small dots rushing towards the outskirts of the building, which closed the next second. The neon green light disappeared, followed by the ship. You know what they say: One's blessings are not known until lost; and in truth, as soon as Test tube and Fan flew into space, from where they might not return home, these thoughts brought Lightbulb to tears. she sincerely promised that she would hold back, be patient and move on with her life, but instead she turned around and retreated to the hotel, covering her face, clouded from tears, with her elbow. Some noticed this and did the same. Paintbrush were terribly worried about their friend and ran to calm her down as quickly as possible, although right now they themselves were not all right in the head. the spectacle ended, and Microphone slowly returned to the building, where the only object waiting for her was Knife, thoughtfully and patiently looking at the dawn, without moving from his place. The morning coolness completely eroded the empty woman inside, looking straight at the ground, as if into the very center of the earth, complete exhaustion. Mic will no longer tolerate a terrible attitude towards herself, no one controls her anymore, this is a wonderful feeling, but after the lightness of freedom came an even greater burden - guilt. She was well aware that the blood was dripping from Taco's hands, but then the blame was shifted onto her, and instead of punishment, immunity was given. It's disgusting how, in order to win, I had to lose the trust of target, with whom she could have had a good relationship. Finally, the flow of speculation was interrupted by the familiar hoarse voice of Knife. A true trustee, a guardian angel, in other words. All the while saying the right things and keeping Mic out of harm's way while she was blinded by Taco's dominance. If only she had listened earlier, then...
- Did they accept the letter? you look pale. - A guy with a razor-sharp mohawk stands, crossing his arms over his chest and looking at the girl depressed by her silliness.
- Yes! They even forgave me, only guilt torments me... - Raising her head, Microphone realized that there was no one on the street except her and Knife. only two. - Ah.. everything is already...
- They left, yea-yea. Mic, listen, they may never come back, but the more you dig yourself into a hole of regret and guilt, the harder it will be for you to climb out without help. Simply put, let go and move on with your life, it seems to me that they will read the letter in any case and accept you. You will feel it. - Knife finished affirmatively, placing his hand on Mic's head. For a couple of seconds, her revived gaze went straight to the guy, stretching out the pause. She realized that she had found someone she could trust - a true friend.
- You're right. Thank you for helping me, for everything, especially with photography. Heh, they will definitely like it!
- Ts-s, you'll say the same. It was my idea! - he grinned.
- So what!? I did the rest! - She smiled broadly at him and began to wipe her tears from her face, sniffing her nose. After a short conversation it became much easier. Mic and Knife slowly went to the hotel to recover their strength with sleep, they couldn't sleep on the street. It seems that both of them really have friendly chemistry, this already says something.
- You are such an overly kind soul, Mic, you shouldn't spend so much effort on such an important letter! - Sarcasm flashed. It's immediately obvious who Knife picked it up from.
- Was this now sarcasm and praise at the same time? Smart ass! - the girl laughed as the door was closed behind her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2023 ⏰

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