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     Marley instinctively groaned into her pillow as someone aggressively shook her awake. Her eyes briefly opened, squinting against the intrusion of bright light into the room. She shifted slightly, attempting to find a more comfortable position in the hopes of drifting back to sleep. However, her peace was short-lived as she was once again rudely shaken, this time accompanied by a voice echoing in the room.

"Get up, Mars." JJ projected his voice audibly, ensuring his sister could hear him, and her reaction was unmistakable-her face conveyed a glare that spoke volumes. Undeterred by her morning demeanor, JJ grinned and spoke up once more, "Johnny boy has called an emergency meeting."

"Ugh," Marley emitted a groan, stretching herself luxuriously across her bed, ensuring every muscle got its due. Finally, she rose to her feet, ready to change. Glancing at her brother as she stood, she continued, "All of a sudden he finds a motel key and thinks we're gonna to find gold."

"Careful what you say." JJ warned, a mischievous glint in his eyes. He led the way out of the room, Marley trailing behind as they headed towards the kitchen. Opening the fridge, the blond boy shifted his gaze to his sister who held intrigued eyes. "I'm just messing around, but seriously, get changed," he said, a playful tone in his voice.

Marley dismissed her brother's theatrics with a playful eye roll, a laugh bubbling out as she turned away from him. Heading back towards her bedroom, she had a mission - finding the perfect outfit for the day.

JJ's softer side always emerged around Marley, a testament to the unbreakable bond they shared. Trust was a rare currency in their turbulent world, and JJ's trust in Marley ran deep. Besides John B, she was the sole person he could confide in completely. Their connection was a fortress of loyalty and shared secrets, forged through countless adventures and challenges.

She released a huff of air as she swung her wardrobe fully open, its disarray mirroring what she considered a reflection of her own personality. A soft laugh escaped her lips at the whimsical notion, embracing the chaos within. Marley reached for one of her many oversized T-shirts, pairing it effortlessly with a set of beige cargos.

To complete the look, she slipped into her somewhat worn-out shoes, opting for comfort over pristine appearance. After a quick once-over in the mirror, satisfied with her casual ensemble, Marley made her way back to the kitchen.

Upon entering, Marley was greeted by the familiar scent of cannabis, a nostalgic aroma that warmed her heart. Approaching her brother, who nonchalantly leaned against the kitchen counter with a cracked phone in one hand and a joint in the other, Marley couldn't hide her cringe at the sorry state of JJ's device. Despite this, her face lit up as JJ handed her the half-smoked joint, a shared moment of comfort before they left the house.

The twins were pretty much always high, and that's how the nickname 'Mars' for Marley came about. It was because she often seemed spaced out, like her head was near the planet Mars. JJ first came up with it after a run-in with the police when he, Marley, and John B were where they shouldn't have been. Since Marley was the most out of it during and after that incident, the nickname stuck.

"Come on, Rocky." JJ smirked as he watched his sister put out the joint in the ashtray, placing his phone in his pocket while heading towards the front door.

"Think you're funny?" Marley faked a smile as she followed her brother out the door. She new the name came from the altercation that happened last night with Topper.

JJ simply nodded, "Very."

"Alright, Lara Croft." Marley grinned.

"I'll take Angelina Jolie." JJ shrugged off.

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