act one

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    Living in the Outer Banks had its fair share of pros and cons. One significant drawback of the island was that half of it was inhabited by wealthy elites who did little more than amass wealth and intimidate the residents of "the Cut." These elites, known as "Kooks," resided on Figure Eight with their ostentatious white mansions, basking by their pools, and admiring their yachts all day.

In Marley Maybank's perspective, the pros outweighed the cons. At the top of her list were the Pogues, comprised of the other half of the island's population living on the less affluent side. When summer rolled in, the Pogues threw beach keggers left and right. These parties attracted a majority of teenagers, including tourists, and Marley cherished four aspects of these gatherings: her favourite Pogues, the substances, the booze, and, not to forget, the captivating girls who held her gaze.

Nevertheless, being a Pogue had its repercussions, which varied from person to person. One could argue that Mars and JJ, siblings from birth, didn't have the best upbringing. Their mother had been absent after leaving their father, a circumstance beyond their control. Their father, an abusive alcoholic, never showed them affection; instead, he viewed them as burdens, subjecting them to beatings.

Still, Marley recognised that JJ was the only person with whom she could be entirely honest. Since childhood, they had each other's backs. Like the time Marley confronted the Kook King, Rafe Cameron, after he maliciously ousted JJ from his position. Or when JJ gave Kelce a black eye for referring to his sister as a whore.

When times got tough, Marley often turned to drugs or alcohol, a painful spectacle for those around her who watched helplessly. JJ shared a similar tendency, although he never sank as deeply as she did.

If someone had asked Marley what she expected for the summer, she couldn't have imagined that she and the Pogues would be swept into a frantic treasure hunt that would unexpectedly lead her to discover love.

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