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The salty breeze of the ocean intermingled with the thumping bass of the music, creating an atmosphere of pure liberation. The Pogues had taken over a secluded stretch of beach, transforming it into their own haven of rebellion. Bonfires crackled, casting flickering, golden hues across the faces of those who danced, laughed, and clinked red plastic cups filled with cheap beer. It was a scene of unbridled joy, where worries and problems were momentarily forgotten under the starlit sky.

Marley, her tousled honey like hair caught in the ocean breeze, sat on a weathered log alongside JJ and John B. Together, they served up drinks to a diverse crowd, a microcosm of the island's inhabitants. Among them were the loyal Pogues, who navigated the island's rough edges with a sense of belonging. The Kooks, on the other hand, appeared solely interested in using keggers as a means to drown themselves in intoxication. And then there were the tourists, drawn to the OBX for a week of vacation, who fortuitously stumbled upon a beachside party they could revel in.

The atmosphere was undeniably perfect, and Marley's gaze wandered across the beach, landing on her best friend, Kiara, who sat by the campfire with a guy by her side. A sly grin played at the corners of Marley's lips as she read Kiara's intentions, and her smirk deepened when she noticed the not-so-subtle disapproval radiating from their two other closest friends beside her. As for Pope's whereabouts, she hadn't the faintest idea, and to be honest, she hoped he was off getting laid; the guy truly needed it.

"I swear, I can practically smell your testosterone levels from here," Marley chuckled with a hint of mischief, holding her beer bottle. Her eyes fixated on the guys as she continued, "I mean, really, giving the poor guy death glares won't do anything, except maybe cause him to shit himself."

"Mars, you know how it is," John B said, smirking. "We're just looking out for Kie. Can't help ourselves. And making the guy a little nervous, that's just an added bonus, isn't it?"

"Just sayin'," Marley shrugged, her gaze flicking between Kie and the random guy, before landing on the boys. "If you guys want her, go ahead and make your move. It ain't gonna happen if you just sit there moping, or better yet, go find a hot touri."

Marley rose from her spot on the log, not uttering a word, simply needing a break from the sight of her brother and best friend brooding over the same girl. As she wandered along the beach, leaning against a weathered log, her gaze fixated on a pair of Kooks, or rather, just one of them.

The wind tousled her blonde hair, enhancing its beauty rather than causing any significant disarray. She wore a blue summer dress adorned with delicate flowers, and it draped gracefully over her frame. Atop a broken and abandoned lifeguard tower, she stood, with her boyfriend, Topper, in earnest conversation, imploring her to come down.

Their eyes locked for a fleeting moment, and in that instant, everything seemed to freeze. Marley detested the way it made her feel, her brows furrowing with irritation. She quickly severed their connected gaze, and when she spun around, she found herself face to face with Kiara, causing her to jump slightly.

"What is she doing here?" Kie's voice dripped with venom as she spoke.

She and Sarah had once been inseparable best friends, but their relationship had unraveled when Kie called the cops on Sarah for not inviting her to her birthday party. Since then, their friendship had disintegrated, and it was safe to say that Kie harbored deep resentment towards her former friend.

"Don't look at me," Marley shrugged, her gaze fixed on Kie's withering glare aimed at the girl. Marley winced slightly as that icy look was then redirected toward her. She slouched a bit in response to the chilly reception. "It's a public beach, Kie," she mumbled.

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