50. Keep Your Eyes Off Her

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She could have asked me everything I own along with my life , just like that and I would have given her. Just to feel her like that. She was looking so fucking sexy like a queen with the sunrays falling on her that I was seconds away from claiming her.

I will make our first time so good and special for her that it will always be ingrained in our souls. It's just something physical it has nothing to do with love as Rishi claims. Love isn't important what is important is trust and understanding which I think we both have enough to go along and take the next step in our marriage.

" Rudra " Her voice is enough to bring Me out from the depths of my mind.

" Hmm " I say .

" Your phone !! It's ringing. " She says and I register everything around with the ring.

" You can go freshen up then we can get whatever you want. " I say swiping the card to the suit and going to the side.

I didn't go for the suite in the building instead a private suite at the ground that had a small pool in the middle open area , a master suite on one side of the pool and a tent like room opposite that also had a bed. Maybe the last minute change in the surroundings will cheer her up.

 Maybe the last minute change in the surroundings will cheer her up

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Shivanya came out after some time dressed in casual clothes. Now I feel a more than a little overdressed. Spending the time in my office and for business purposes I now don't even own a single casual jeans or even a t-shirts that isn't plain black or white.

" Let's go. " I say walking with her by my side. Some shopping with uplift her suddenly declining mood which the surroundings failed to do.

We get in the hotel car. The club isn't far away from my hotel , it's a nearby one so we will be back by lunch. The flight was almost an hour long and it's still early.

" Where are we going ? " Shivanya asks breaking the ice.

" To get you something to wear tonight. " I say keeping my eyes on the road.

Just because it's the last month of the year before Christmas and new year in a few days the event is a black tie one. But the gathering during the lunch hours will be casual. There are a lot of changes that will be made tonight by votes to widen the Club to different parts of India opening new branches. And changing the main branch to somewhere luxurious There are rumours that someone has taken over the club but no one except the founding members can say about that. The main focus is on the luxury and location with fuck tone of space. Along with the election of new committee members for the next five years who will handle the events and other things. If the rumours are true then there is no use for votes and location everything will be renewed.

I parked the car in the parking lot of the mall , I didn't had any knowledge of where to buy clothes for My wife until Nandani and Meera in the start gave Rishi a long list of clothing stores and brands, he told them that he needed them for his girlfriend. The store is owned by Nandani . I already contacted the manager regarding what I need. She is well-established now even though she is still at the start of her career but I have seen her designs and they are both elegant and classy. There are hardly any people who know she runs a famous clothing line God knows why she didn't make an appearance as an owner till now. Rishi straight out refused to mention her as the owner to anyone. Not that I go around talking about dresses and gowns for fuck sake.

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