Biiitch, cut your nails!

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A/N: it's been 50 million yrs and counting since I last updated any of my stories and for that I'm sorry.  I can't say I'm back but I'm on vacation this week so I'll do what I can with my stories.  I doubt anyone is even reading this one but I'm updating anyway.  Starting with this one since this one has gone the longest without an update.

I was driving to school with my pups when I almost ran into the head Alpha.  Literally he was in the middle of my lane when I came around the bend and slammed my brakes. 

"Deucalion to what do I owe the pleasure?" I asked once I was out of my vehicle.

I honestly had no clue how to play this but I quickly knew I'd played it wrong.  I hated that I couldn't see anything related to myself in that moment.  Why was this a mistake?  I was now surrounded by all the alphas as it turns out it wasn't just him.  Had I foreseen this I wouldn't have exited my vehicle and would have just ran him down.  Too late for bygones now.

"Well, two members of my pack happen to be minors but appear to be unable to go to your school.  I'm just hoping we could work out a way for them to attend." The Alpha of Alphas stated as if there was nothing wrong with this.

"If they can't get past the wards then they can't attend.  Those wards are to protect those on our property and if the twins can't get past them then they mean harm." I said as I crossed my arms.

My pups could feel the shift in energy so they got out of my car as if they could protect me. I communicated through our pack link for Isaac to take the first opening he sees to get himself and Lydia to safety.  I discretely passed him my car keys.  I knew originally  Erica and Boyd are captured but Isaac gets free.  This was never his fate nor was it mine.  I was choosing it to be mine though bc I wasn't going to let my pups face it alone.  Not when it meant Erica's end.

"That's unfortunate." Deucalion surmised as he gave his pack the sign. 

They began to attack Isaac threw Lydia in my car and nodded at me before getting in the driver's seat.  Lydia was screaming as he reversed and spun to face the way home instead of school.  Isaac then took off with Lydia as we began to fight.  I was fighting the she bitch when I turned to evade her gnarly, disgusting feet nails when Deucalion blew a powder in my face.  I fell as my body began convulsions from the wolfsbane.

"If you want your Luna to live then I suggest you two give up and come with us." Deucalion ordered. 

I felt myself being delicately lifted before seeing that it was my gentle giant Boyd.

"I'm sorry we failed you Luna." Boyd said mournfully.

"It's ok Boyd.  They used a cheap trick to subdue you both." I whispered before passing out.

I could hear Derek but couldn't respond before the darkness took me.  When I next came to I was in the familiar bank vault from my vision.

"Merde.  Erica.  Boyd.  Are you both ok?" I whispered. 

"Luna you're awake!  They gave you something that had you coughing up a purple cloud.  They said it was the wolfsbane leaving your system.  They upheld you surviving if we came peacefully." Erica informed me.

"Good because you're going to need me at my best for what's to come.  They have no plans on any of us actually surviving. They want Derek and Scott.  But to have them they need for both to kill their entire pack.  So they ultimately plan for all of us to die." I whispered to my pups.

"Maybe not all of us.  I've been here longer then you three.  So I already know they want all three of the moon blessed.  So I'm thinking you're safe." A young woman said to me.

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