Psychos all Amuck

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I had this urge to go to the video store and I knew it was my ability telling me something.  I left in my car and sped to the video store.  I arrived at the same time as the highschool power couple.  I could hear them arguing over what to rent.  As I stepped out of my car I could smell the blood.  

"Fine!  I'll get the Notebook AGAIN." Jacked said angrily as he got out of his car.

I headed inside as Jackson asked what movie I was here for so I decided to have fun with him.

"The Notebook.  I heard they only have one copy left so I hurried to get it." I said.

"Really?  Guess that means I can get what I want for once." Jackson said in relief.

"Just kidding I'm here to rent something good." I said with a laugh as Jackson groaned.

I froze in the door when the sick smell of the alpha hit me.  He was still here.  I didn't smell him before.  Merde.  

"Hey!  Where's The Notebook?" Jackson called out.

"I don't think there's anyone here Jackson." I said slowly.

"Sure doesn't seem like it.  Man this place is going downhill.  Going to join Blockbuster." Jackson muttered.

I heard him cry out and came around the corner to where the smell of blood was coming from and found the body.

"Oh shit." Jackson said in horror.

It was then we heard the growl.  Jackson grabbed me with wide eyes and began pulling me to hide.  Since he had his back to me I knocked him out so he wouldn't witness anything.  I spotted a cabinet and put his body inside and closed the cabinet door.  

"Come on Mr. Alpha.  Don't you want to play?" I called out.

"Ooh you're a spicy one.  I like.  So which kind of white wolf are you?  You could be real useful to me." The Alpha answered.

"I could but you see you don't smell right to me.  Maybe I'll join you though but you'd have to tell me who you are." I said.

"I guess we're at a crossroads then." The Alpha said.

Then he stepped out so that I could see him and sweet Moon Goddess was he one big bastard.  He came charging at me and I calmed my mind.  I shifted partially as I ran towards him and then slid between his legs while slicing both of his Achilles heels with my claws.  The Alpha let out a roar before charging out the front window rather than using the door like a sane werewolf.  I heard Lydia's shrill scream immediately after which let me know what she will be.  It was nowhere near banshee level yet but it was definitely more shrill then a human can get.  I then quickly climbed into the cabinet with Jackson until the police came in.

"Mon Dieu.  We're safe!  I need help over here!  Jackson was knocked out in the attack.  I dragged him into this cabinet with me." I cried hysterically.

I have pretty good acting skills if I do say so myself.

"Did you see what happened?" Sherriff Stilinski asked while the EMT were loading Jackson into the back of their ambulance.

"The clerk was already dead when we arrived.  So we didn't see that.  But what came after was nothing I want to see again up close.  I don't think Jackson saw anything.  It happened so fast.  I was pushing him to get away and he fell hitting his head.  It was a mountain lion.  It just ran out without even paying attention to us.  I didn't want to take chances though so I dragged him into the cabinet and hid." I said.

"Ok, well did you hear anything after hiding?" Sherriff Stilinski asked.

Other than that he wants me to join him?  Psh.  But that wasn't what I said out loud.

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