Epilogue - Part 1

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Dearest Readers,

The Epilogue of this book deserves justice especially after so many messages from you folks who wanted to see #Karthika's sweet and cute moments. Couldn't contain everything in one chapter. So will be dividing the Epilogue into two parts.

Here's the first part for you. Second part would be out in a day or two. Till then hope you enjoy this.

Love ❤️


'And this is my bedroom!!!' I showed it to my grandparents who had visited my apartment for the first time ever. I noticed how Daadu kept looking at every small piece of furniture and wall with moisture in his eyes. He was extremely emotional. I felt it the moment he gave this sudden visit. Karthik and I have to leave for the airport in 2 hours from now. In spite of that Luv and Adi Jiju are here with Daadu-Daadi. This felt extremely special. At least my paternal grandparents accepted me unlike Mushi who did not even pick my phone call.

'By the way Bodadi(wife) this was your bedroom!!! This isn't anymore!!!' Karthik whispered in my ears and my eyes met his eyes which had a strange twinkle and I looked elsewhere when he kept staring at me point blank and whispered

'I swear I had never thought you would look so breathtakingly beautiful as a Bunt Bride. Those flowers, the bindi, that Mangalsutra, the jewellery, the saree!!! Damnnnn!!! How am I gonna wait until we reach the destination!!! Ughhhh!!!' He groaned when I heard someone clear their throat and my eyes widened the minute I see Daadu eyeing both of us. When Karthik suddenly started coughing and gave Daadu his most fake smile ever and practically ran from there making me and Daadi burst out laughing.

Daadu and Daadi joined us all at dinner. Karthik's family had their dinner and left as they had to go to Kundapura. Daadu and Daadi were also about to leave when Karthik bent down taking their blessings and Daadu pulled him into a warm hug and said

'I know she will be happy and safe with you. You have taken care of our child much better than we could. I'm sure you'll continue doing it for a lifetime.' And Karthik smiled nodding his head when Daadu smiled and slowly turned around looking at Daadi and she nodded and took out something from here hand bag.

It was a bunch of keys and my eyes widened the minute I saw it. I looked at Karthik and his eyes exactly met mine when Daadu sniffled through his tears and said

'This isn't property or anything because I know the man who could refuse his own ancestral property wouldn't take anything I would offer although he's took my most precious one!!!' Saying Daadi held my chin and I smiled. But then he held my hand and kept the bunch of keys in my hand saying

'These are keys to the educational institution that once denied education to my child. These are keys to the Madikeri institution you studied Puttar!!! I purchased it. It's all yours from now on!!!' Daadu said making my eyes widen in shock.

'Yes!!! The people who looked down upon you will now work under you!!! The college which didn't let you continue there once will now welcome you with open arms!!! My child gets all the respect she deserved always!!!' Daadu said as tears rolled down his cheeks and I slowly pulled him to a warm hug as he burst into tears badly saying

'I am sorry Shiku!!! I didn't know how else to apologise to you my darling!!! You have made everything for yourself...you have your own world, your life, your family...I ...I don't wanna lose you Baccha!!!' Daadu said when I wiped his wrinkly face and said softly

'You won't Daadu!!! I found you after so long why would I wanna lose you!!! Stop crying Shhhhh!!!' I said consoling him as he kept crying for a few minutes. Karthik offered him some water and after sometime he looked better. I smiled and placed my head on his chest saying

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