After that, she kissed me on the lips. Talk about catching me off guard... But before I could even process what had just happened, she took off like a bolt of lightning, sprinting back to her house. I stood there, dumbfounded, with my lips still tingling from the unexpected encounter. 

It was like a romantic comedy unfolding before my very eyes, and I couldn't help but chuckle at the sheer absurdity of it all. 

Ah, young love, you never fail to keep life interesting.

I was just trying to help her when suddenly my lips made contact with something soft and warm. I couldn't believe it - it was my first kiss! I mean, talk about unexpected surprises, right? It was like my lips had a mind of their own and decided to go on a spontaneous adventure without consulting the rest of me. And let me tell you, it was quite the revelation. I stood there, dumbfounded, touching my own lips

I muttered to myself, "Shit, that was my first kiss." there I was, lying in bed like a sleep-deprived zombie, unable to catch a wink of shut-eye. You know, the kind of night where your mind decides to throw a wild party and your eyelids are the bouncers, refusing entry to any hint of sleep. Obviously, my brain had other plans. It decided to take a detour into the the world of delusion, where thoughts of a certain kiss began to dance around like foolish little fairies. 

I know to myself that It wasn't some imaginary kiss that I conjured up in my sleep-deprived state. No, no. This was a real, bona fide, lip-locking that had taken place in the not-so-distant past. But why, oh why, did my mind choose this precise moment to replay that moment? Was it trying to torture me?

At first, I was thinking about the wedding we were going to have... I am aware that I am too young to be concerned with such matters; nonetheless, I will never be able to forget the expression on her face when I helped her clean her wound. I also pictured already living my life with her, and the thought of it made me not want her to ever leave my life. In the end, I came up with the strategy of letting her know how I really feel about her. 

So there I was, the next day, ready to start on my grand mission of confessing my feelings to her. I had rehearsed my lines a thousand times in front of the mirror, making sure I had the perfect balance of charm and vulnerability. This was it, the moment of truth. I was determined to win her over, no matter whatever it takes. 

I was, standing in our backyard; I spotted the most beautiful flowers, just begging to be plucked and showed. With a sly smile I snatched them up, knowing they would add that extra touch of charm to my ensemble. Next came the hair. Oh, the hair. It had a mind of its own, always deciding to misbehave at the most inconvenient times. But not today... Today, I tamed those rebellious locks into submission, coaxing them into a perfect coiffure that would make even Rapunzel jealous.

And then, the moment of truth arrived. The shirt. There I was, standing in front of the mirror, giving myself one last once-over. I mean, I had to make sure I was looking absolutely fantastic. With a deep breath, I began practicing the words that were about to escape my lips. It was like a secret chanting, a magical spell that would surely captivate anyone who dared to listen. I mean, who wouldn't be enthralled by my vocabulary and charm? As I rehearsed, I couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence coursing through my veins. 

As I opened the front door and stepped outside, a wave of confidence washed over me. Without hesitation, I found myself making my way towards our special spot, the place where we would always meet and play. I stood there, my heart pounding in my chest, as I waited for her to arrive. The minutes turned into hours, but I couldn't bring myself to leave. Time seemed to stretch on endlessly, each passing second feeling like an eternity. The world around me faded into I couldn't contain my impatience any longer, so I made my way to her house. As I looked into the distance, my eyes were immediately drawn to the pulsing sight of flashing lights. The vibrant hues of red and blue in the darkness, captivating my attention. 

As I approached, my heart raced with nervousness. The sight that greeted me was a scene straight out of a crime scene. Police cars, their flashing lights casting an eerie glow, were scattered chaotically around the perimeter of the house. It was clear that something terrible had taken place here. I stood frozen in shock as I watched the bodies being carried out of (Y/N)'s house. The bouquet of flowers slipped from my trembling hands, scattering petals across the ground. 

The bodies lay there, shrouded in a somber silence. The sight was haunting, and I couldn't help but wonder if she was among them. The covers concealed their identities, leaving me unable to discern whether she was a part of this tragic tableau or not. The once peaceful atmosphere was now shattered, replaced by an eerie silence that hung heavy in the air. Time seemed to stand still as I tried to comprehend the tragedy that had unfolded within those walls. The world around me faded into the background as my mind raced, searching for answers that seemed to trouble me.

The sight was haunting, and I couldn't help but feel a mix of shock and sorrow wash over me. It was as if time stood still, and the weight of the situation settled heavily upon my shoulders. My body moved on its own as I reached out to grab the warning tapes, a sudden force gripped my wrist, halting my movement. It was a firm grip, preventing me from carrying out what I wanted to do. 

I couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency as I desperately needed to know what was happening. The question that consumed my thoughts was whether or not (Y/N) was still alive. The uncertainty pulled at me, driving me to seek answers. Even if she's alive or not, I yearned to witness her lifeless body and express my love for her. It was a longing to confess my love and declare my unwavering commitment to spend the rest of my days by her side.

It was a moment filled with irony. There I was, gathering the courage to confess my deepest feelings to her, ready to declare that I wanted to spend the rest of my days by her side. But fate had a different plan in store for me.

I picked up the flowers once more, with a heavy heart, I made my way back to our treasured meeting place, the very spot where we would gather and lose ourselves in playful adventures. I tightly gripped onto the delicate stems of the flower, feeling their fragility in my hands. With careful precision, I lowered them down, gently placing them on the moist soil surrounding the roots of the tree. As I took my seat, a single tear escaped my eye, betraying the emotions swirling within me. My heart skipped a beat as I glanced to my side and saw her sitting there, right beside me.

Maybe I'm imagining things? 

I found myself slipping into the familiar grip of delusion once more. I couldn't help but think about the kiss she had given me. It had taken me completely by surprise, leaving me both thrilled and longing for more. The memory of her soft lips against mine lingered in my mind, and I knew that I couldn't let it go unanswered. I wanted to show her just how much that simple act had meant to me. It wasn't just as I reflect on the events that unfolded, I can't help but feel a heavy weight of regret settle upon my shoulders. The realization hits me like a ton of bricks - I was too late. I find myself consumed by uncertainty, questioning the very existence of her being. The thought of her, once so vivid and alive in my mind, now feels like a distant memory. I am left wondering if she's still alive or not. I raised my eyes towards the night sky, In a moment of hopelessness, I couldn't help but let out a resounding cry, my voice echoing into the darkness. "Was I too late?" 

I couldn't contain my emotions any longer as I let out an overwhelming shout into the night sky. "If fate allows, if you're still out there, I promise to search the world until I find you. And when that moment comes, I will return the kiss you gave me."

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