i'll be your marionette, tug on my thread

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a/n: written for aquamelt week 2023 day 1: sweet today


When Melt was approached with the offer to take on the role for the lead actor in Sweet Today's adaptation, he scoffed and accepted it without a second thought.

The role seemed easy enough, he definitely had the looks for it, and it would probably lead to him getting more modelling or potentially even more acting gigs. Not that he was the best actor, but any work was something to occupy his time with. Plus, he couldn't complain about the extra income either.

Once he'd heard about the role of the stalker being dropped, he rolled his eyes. It was just another annoyance to deal with, the production of Sweet Today had been full of them from the start, especially since the production team had to bend over backwards to fit Melt's modeling schedule. Well, he was glad to be the center of attention, having everyone doting over him as the lead role of the adaptation.

Part of Melt was glad to see the initial actor for the stalker had quit suddenly, though. The guy was a pain in the ass to deal with, constantly complaining throughout the production, and sure, having to deal with the rescheduling that followed from the guy quitting suddenly sucked, but at least he wasn't around to bitch anymore. Not that Melt was any better, he wasn't, but he thought he wasn't as bad as that guy was to work with.

Melt learning that they'd decided to skip the table reading and jump right into filming immediately after one take of rehearsals bothered him less than it should've. At least it'd meant he'd be getting off the set sooner, thank god.

On the drive to the filming location, Melt noticed it was raining. He hated that, his hair would definitely be getting all puffy and hard to deal with from the humidity in the air. He sighed as he pressed his cheek against the window of the car, watching the raindrops trickle down on the outside, listening to the slight hum of the car's engine.

As Melt exited the car, his gaze drifted upwards for just a moment, taking note of how the sky was completely covered in dark clouds, stretching across the horizon as far as his gaze could see.

So it was going to be one of those days.

Melt stepped inside, glancing around at everyone who'd arrived before him, his gaze falling on Kana as he began to walk towards her, figuring he had nothing better to do than making small talk.

Melt approached Kana and the boy she was with, it was someone he didn't recognize, and so he assumed that guy was the one who'd been casted to take over as the stalker last minute.

"Yo, Kana," Melt sighed as he absently played with part of his hair, clearly wearing his disinterest for the situation on his face. "The rain's kind of gnarly today, I'd like the filming to be delayed."

"It's just leaking a little bit, it should be fine." Kana, who was friendly as always in her interactions with Melt, gave him a gentle but understanding smile. She'd been easy to work with throughout the entire production, Melt noted, unlike a certain someone who'd been cast as the stalker before.

"Well, when it gets all humid my hair puffs up. And this place feels really damp, it's uncomfortable." Melt continued to fiddle with his hair, his gaze absently trailing from Kana to the boy beside her, as if he was silently asking who the other was.

Kana laughed nervously, and then gestured to the boy beside her. "Oh, let me introduce you two, he's playing the stalker."

"Hoshino Aqua, pleased to meet you..." Aqua bowed his head.

Melt took one look at Aqua and scoffed, brushing past him with the assumption that he was just another pretty boy hired for his looks over his acting skills, offering an uninterested response of, "Yeah, hi."

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