for us, the stars refuse to shine

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Melt found himself in the situation of longing to talk to Aqua just once more, a feeling that always lingered on his mind ever since he'd met Aqua on the set for Sweet Today.

With each interaction the pair had, Melt's longing to get closer to Aqua grew, but he never attempted to reach out to him outside of work.

This time would be different. This time, Melt would finally make the first move.

The opportunity to reach out to Aqua presented itself in the form of an early celebration for the cast of Tokyo Blade. Considering how unpredictable some of the actor's schedules could be, it made sense to hold an early celebration.

Melt originally wasn't going to attend, and although Kana was practically begging him to go with her, overhearing that Aqua would be attending with Akane cemented the idea of going in his head. As much as he enjoyed his time with Kana, ultimately the only thing Melt had on his mind was talking to Aqua again.

And so, Melt found himself roped into standing with Kana and Taiki while the pair idly chatted with each other, awkwardly holding onto a cup full of some kind of punch. His eyes scanned the room, and eventually landed on Aqua, who had been talking to Akane. Unsurprising, but Melt wasn't about to waltz up to the two of them and declare how he'd been watching Aqua from afar, longing to talk to him. No, he would absolutely not be doing that.

Melt couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at Aqua's attire, he seemed to be dressed way too casually for a celebratory party, sporting a dark hoodie and jeans. If the pair were any closer, he'd definitely be pointing that fact out to Aqua.

Melt only attended the early celebration to have a chance at talking to Aqua again. He felt unable to focus on the conversation Kana and Taiki were having, nodding along with them in the hopes he wouldn't be dragged into the conversation himself. While the pair chatted, Melt had been in a state of mental anguish while trying to figure out how he would go about approaching Aqua.

On that note, Melt glanced up, realizing that Aqua had snuck out while he was distracted by his own thoughts. He felt his stomach drop, did he lose his chance to talk to him?

Like hell he was going to let Aqua go that easily.

Melt's mind started racing with what-ifs and before he knew it, he was moving through the crowd after quickly giving a half-hearted apology to Kana and Taiki, assuming they'd get the hint on what was going on. He knew that they'd probably question him and even tease him once he returned, but he didn't care. The only thing that mattered to him in that moment was Aqua, he knew if he didn't go looking for him, he'd potentially lose his chance at having a relationship with him outside of what was the bare minimum for work.

The night's cool air hit Melt's face as he glanced around, looking for Aqua. He was about to give up until he saw a figure that was unmistakably him in the distance, clad in the same dark hoodie as before. Melt's quick to move, jogging up to the figure as he calls out to it, "Aqua! Hey, wait up!"

The figure paused for a moment, as if considering whether or not they wanted to listen, before turning around. Melt had been right, it was Aqua. He wore a neutral expression on his face, although Melt could've sworn he saw his eyes light up, even if just for a moment. There was silence between the two of them while Melt caught up to Aqua.

"Where are you going? You snuck out without saying goodbye to anyone." Melt raised an eyebrow as he spoke, shoving his hands into his pockets.

Melt wasn't sure of how he wanted to go about the conversation, but it was already too late to spend any more time trying to meddle over every possible way that Aqua could respond to his questioning. He just hoped Aqua would make the conversation easier on the both of them.

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