twilight moon; endless reverie

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The gaze of tired, ocean blue eyes were enough to pierce through Melt's heart, gripping and stabbing him so deeply he never knew if he'd be able to remember a time before ocean blue.

Melt found himself watching Aqua often, admiring him from afar. It was almost like he was stargazing, finding himself often lost in a never-ending galaxy of blue, wishing to reach out but ultimately knowing he was never meant to reach the stars. A part of him desperately wished to try, to reach further than what was humanly possible.

He shone as bright as the northern star in the sky.

No, Aqua was Melt's polaris, offering guidance as an unmoving aspect, allowing Melt to make sense of everything else with his help. Through his guidance he found his passion for acting, his final destination determined through the way Aqua shone, never leading him astray.

Melt noticed how brightly Aqua shone in the spotlight. He wondered if he'd ever be granted the privilege of being allowed to stand aside him, basking in his warmth together. To be seen as an equal, or perhaps something more than what a work partnership or friendship could offer. Perhaps they could be lovers, destined to meet a tragic end from the start.

Aqua was Melt's northern star, his polaris, but he could also be described as someone so complicated to understand, like the ocean's waves, watching the sun shine brightly on them while knowing something much darker lay beneath the surface level. Presenting as calm, beckoning Melt to dare to get closer, to dip himself into the depths of Aqua, to envelop himself in his warmth, something he wished desperately for.

Staring at the surface level, Melt was only able to see himself, a cruel metaphor signaling that he'd never get the privilege of seeing Aqua for who he really was and what he was hiding under his presented exterior.

Melt wanted to push and pull Aqua apart, breaking and bending him at the seams, unravelling the years of built up trauma and grief in an attempt to prove he was serious about being involved in Aqua's life. He would give it all to get just a glimpse at what Aqua was hiding, what burdens he took on himself.

He'd sacrifice it all if it meant offering Aqua eternal respite.

If Melt so dared to reach through the surface, he would soon discover that the ocean's waves were turbulent and unforgiving; they didn't give a damn if he drowned in them or not. As quickly as he was lured in to peer at the surface, they would engulf him, harshly pulling him into the never ending abyss, falling deeper and deeper into the unknown, disorienting him further while he fought for his life. While being bashed by the undercurrent, Melt would make note of how drastically the temperature dropped, ice coldness enveloping his body whole as he realized the warmth was a ruse, how numb his body felt, how he tried to find his light but any hint of the northern star would be lost.

Aqua was Melt's polaris, his guiding light, but he could also manifest himself as the very thing that would destroy the both of them.

The brightest stars burn the fastest, after all.

Aqua was Melt's polaris, his guiding light, warm and comforting, but he was also the ocean, the darkest parts of himself hidden beneath the shimmering waves, inviting but oh so deceiving, offering just enough to intrigue before recklessly changing its currents as a means of self-preservation.

Perhaps Aqua was like the moon. Two-sided. His light illuminates the night sky, ever changing but never fully offering itself to be fully on display, always a shadow looming near its crescent edges. Connected with the tides, rising and falling as the moon changes phases. Phases that repeat in a recognizable pattern, yet presenting behavior that is unpredictable at times.

Aqua was on the path to destroy himself, and he intended to make the journey, the descent to hell by himself alone. Melt knew Aqua was trying to destroy himself, even if he was missing details, that much was apparent.

A choice also became apparent.

Melt could sit back and watch Aqua burn himself out, slowly killing the parts of himself that made him human, drowning himself in his own sorrows, he'd have to live with the regret if he allowed that to happen to his dear Aqua. Or he could fight tooth and nail, fight against the water's never-ending currents no matter how hard they tried to sweep him away, in order to ensure his polaris would continue to light up the night sky, no, his night sky.

Melt chose the latter. He'd be damned if he didn't at least put up a fight.

After all, it wouldn't be the first time he lost himself in ocean blue.

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