{Chapter Two}

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"I don't see why we're doing this," you muttered to yourself. You had just gotten out of school a few minutes ago, only having just enough time to change into your usual coaching wear before it was time for training to begin. You glanced at your classmates as they slowly made their way onto the pool deck, running a hand through your short white hair. Knowing them, they were probably taking their sweet time admiring the facility.

"You and me both." You turned your head to see Rin standing silently next to you.

"Thought this was your idea," you mused. "Figured you had asked your dear sister to ask the captain in your place cause you were too shy. That, or you were just doing him a favor."

You nodded your head slightly at Gou, who by the looks of it, seemed a bit preoccupied. For some odd reason, she seemed to have a sort of awe-struck expression on her face as she looked at the swimmers nearby.

"Ah, shut up." he growled, knowing exactly what you were insinuating.

You watched amusedly as he stormed off towards Nitori, who seemed to catch on to his mood swing. He looked to you with concern in his eyes, only to receive one of your dismissive shrug.

"Hey, thanks for being here," Mikoshiba's voice echoed around the pool as he greeted your high school classmates, all of whom bowed and gave their own words of gratitude.

You silently watched from your side of the pool as this all played out. Seijuro reacquainting himself with Nanase (who, according to the redhead, he knew from back when he swam in grade school), the Matsuoka siblings discussing the joint practice with one another, and Nagisa once again butting into other people's conversations.

You were slightly taken aback to hear that the three founding Iwatobi club members used to swim competitively with Rin back in the day; thinking about it now however, it kind of made sense. They did have this sort of air of familiarity about the four of them.

In the end, the shark-toothed swimmer left the scene, clearly fed up with the sappy sentiment, claiming it to be "a big waste of time." You kept to yourself and said nothing, clearly seeing through his façade. Your stormy gray eyes stared into his red ones from across the pool for a brief moment as soon as he appeared on the second floor not long after.

"ALRIGHT!" Mikoshiba clapped his hands for attention. "To get the most out of this practice, we'll have your swimmers go up against our first-years. How's that sound? We'll start with individual time trials."

Seijuro glanced your way, giving a subtle nod when you produced your pad and pencil from your jacket pocket. "Let's get started."

"You there," he called, referring to a fully clothed Ryugazaki. "Time to get suited up."

The track and field athlete paled slightly. "R-right," he stuttered. "Well, you see-"

"Oh, man. Would you look at that," Nagisa interrupted, a forced laugh escaping his lips. "The poor guy forgot his swimsuit today." You, along with every member of the Samezuka team stared blankly at the teen.

"Why is he even here then if he didn't come prepared," Seijuro muttered distastefully. "We'll let him use one of our spares. Nitori!"

"Sir!" the first-year replies immediately. His light blue eyes stare at Ryugazaki as he pulls (or rather, drags) him to the side. "Come with me please."

Within a few minutes, everyone was ready to begin.


The Samezuka's swim team captain's voice reverberated as he readied the swimmers. On the furthest diving block, you watched as Makoto Tachibana took his position for Iwatobi.

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