{Chapter One}

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"Hello?" a gravelly voice answered.

"Hey, it's me. We still good for tomorrow?"

"...I guess."

"What's with that tone? I thought you loved doing this. The others really take your words to heart, ya know. They've all improved significantly"

A nonchalant 'Okay' was the only reply he got.

"So...see you then?"

"I dunno..."

"I'll buy you something afterwards."

"I'll see you tomorrow at 5:00," the voice instantly responded. And with that, the call ended.

I swear, this guy.

Seijuro Mikoshiba sighed. In the end though, he couldn't help but chuckle amusedly. In all the years he's known you, he couldn't help but find your weakness for all things food-related hilarious, especially considering the serious aura you unknowingly had about you.

Elsewhere on the other side of town, you begrudgingly arose from your momentary slumber. You had planned on sleeping in a bit more, but decided against it. The last thing you wanted was to be woken again by the redhead, despite him attending a different high school than you.

And with that scary motivation, you began your morning routine. Unlike the majority of people you knew, you quite enjoyed cold showers. A relaxed sigh escaped your lips as you let the water envelop your person while your hands massaged your favorite shampoo into your scalp. You patted yourself dry and glanced at the mirror, looking for any signs of leftover suds. Deeming that you had indeed rinsed your body fully, you continued on your way, never really looking at your reflection for long.

"I'm headed out," you called into the empty house as you changed shoes. Donned in your school uniform, you grabbed your bookbag and made your way outside to the nearest train station. You could tell it was going to be a fairly good day today: the weather was cool, the clouds drifted across the expanse of clear blue sky as the sun shone brightly above. All good things. 'Maybe I'll be able to take my nap on the roof,' you thought hopefully.

"Good morning Igarashi," greeted the train driver. You returned the greeting with a respectful nod, the doors closing behind you with a slight hiss as you found an empty seater. Luckily, you were one of the first stops on the way to Iwatobi High School, so you didn't have to worry too much about sitting next to anyone.

You watched the scenery flit past you as you sat staring at the window, doing well to take advantage of the tranquil silence while it lasted. Gradually spots started to fill up as your peers boarded the vehicle, conglomerating into their small groups consisting of close friends. All was fairly peaceful. That is, until a certain blond took a seat across from you.

Nagisa Hazuki. For the past few days now, the bubbly first-year has been even more enthusiastic, which you honestly didn't know was possible. From what you had gathered - which was fairly easy seeing as how the guy could never seem to stop talking) - he, along with his childhood friends Haruka Nanase and Makoto Tachibana, were attempting to convince students to join their newly formed swim club. Based on what you had heard around the halls recently, they had recently managed to convince Rin's younger sister to join, and now needed just one more member.

You watched amusedly as his magenta eyes seemed to bounce around the train, looking for potential joinees. Just as he was about to meet your gaze, you smoothly turned your head away, deciding to stare at the nothingness behind him. Luckily, he didn't seem to notice you, his focus instead being drawn to the figure standing between the two of you.

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